The outdated dogma that “2D mammography is best practice for breast cancer screening” needs to be challenged. 3D mammography offers higher detection rates and fewer false-positive recalls, particularly for women with dense breasts. However, it involves higher upfront costs; longer interpretation times; and does not yet have long-term mortality data. Transparency about the benefits and limitations of current and emerging technologies is essential for informed decision-making and building trust in our healthcare system. #breastcancer #breastcancerscreening #densebreasts #breastdensity
And For Health Professionals. see new table. “Cancer Detection by Screening Test”:
Executive Director at DenseBreast-info, Inc. || The World's Leading Website About Dense Breasts
5moWomen should be educated about the benefits and considerations of breast screening tests. Please see DenseBreast-info’s new page Screening Tests After a Mammogram: