ENVIRONMENTAL HORIZONS CO. striving to promote #Environmentalawareness in #SaudiArabia #EnvironmentalLaw and #ExecutiveRegulations Series: P5 I S1 #SaudiExecutiveRegulations for #EnvironmentalRehabilitation of degraded Sites and #Remediation of #Pollutedsites The regulations are composed of 8 articles including 3 appendixes, an overview of the articles is here, and a full text is attached. Article (1): Definitions - Clarifies the meaning of specialized terms used within the document. Article (2): Scope of Application - Describes the range and limits of where the document's policies and guidelines apply. Article (3): The Center’s Scope of Work regarding the Environmental Rehabilitation of Degraded Sites and Remediation of Polluted Sites - Outlines the responsibilities of the overseeing center in environmental rehabilitation efforts. Article (4): General Provisions - Provides general rules and principles that guide the implementation of the document. Article (5): Degraded Sites’ Environmental Rehabilitation and Polluted Sites’ Remediation Plans - Details the strategies for restoring degraded sites and cleaning up polluted areas.First: Degraded Sites’ Environmental Rehabilitation Plan - Specific plans for rehabilitating areas that have been environmentally compromised. Second: Plan for the Remediation of Polluted Sites - Steps for addressing and mitigating the effects of pollution in specific sites. Third: Development of Plans - Procedures for the creation and approval of environmental plans. Article (6): Mechanism for Handling the Environmental Rehabilitation or Remediation Plans - Explains the procedures for managing and overseeing the execution of rehabilitation and remediation plans. Article (7): Environmental Rehabilitation or Remediation Plans’ Implementation - Discusses how the rehabilitation or remediation plans will be put into action. Article (8) – Violations Apprehension and Penalties Imposition - Lists the consequences for non-compliance with the environmental policies. Appendix (1): Mechanism for Reviewing the Environmental Rehabilitation, and Remediation Plans - Describes the process for evaluating the effectiveness and compliance of the plans. Appendix (2): Outline and Content of the Degraded Sites’ Environmental Rehabilitation Plan - Provides a framework for what should be included in the rehabilitation plan for degraded sites. Appendix (3): Outline and Content of the Remediation of Polluted Sites’ Plan - Gives a template for the necessary contents of a plan aimed at remediating polluted sites.
Environmental Compliance and Operations Manager at Red Sea Global
10moThis one is a good example of the polluter pays principle.