I don't know about you, but we're missing R-CON 2024 already.
We had a chance to grab some thoughts, feedback, and interview some of our incredible attendees and exhibitors this year.
We loved hearing about how overjoyed people were with the connection, the happy hours, and single track, the networking, and opportunities.
Lock it into your calendar, friends.
We'll be back Fall 2025.
Thank you to our interviewees!
Farrah Etcheverry with Etcheverry Land Surveying
Trevor Broussard with DroneDeployAlbion SHABANI with ATIS.cloud
Hey everyone, it's Charlie. We're gonna be interviewing people about Archon 2024. Alright, what is your name and where you from? Trevor Broussard with drone deploy from Austin, TX. Name is Farah Echeverry. I work at Echeverry Land Surveying. I'm the owner of the company. I'm out of Northern Arizona. I'm Albion. I'm head of development and production of Attis Cloud. We're from France. We have a cloud based solution to host sharing work with point clouds online and not only as well to do in 3D models. What has been your favorite part about Archon this year? My favorite part so far. We're just getting started. It's only day one, but it's just the uniqueness of the conference. Some of the like the pre event last night was unlike anything that I've ever been to. I've been up to a snack cave and I really like the platform being kind of one stage. You can come in, listen to all of the speakers that you want to and you're not having to kind of shuffle around and find where you're going. So it's been very user friendly and the content has been great so far. Our call this year is networking, as in the previous years is the the way of how we can approach with with people from this field and. Better understand what they're trying to achieve and how our solution can help them do that. It's really cool to see a lot of the customers we work with and then also meet new customers and see the partners that we work with. For the people who didn't come to our con this year but want to come next year, what would you say to them? I would say that they start by looking every podcast that Matthew is doing, check the website and make sure that for next year they have already their ticket booked. I would tell them to get it on your calendar to book your tickets because it's a unique event. It's a diverse. Event as somebody in the land surveying industry, this is different than anything else that I am kind of typically doing. And I think that it's good to kind of get out of our bubbles. And so if you haven't come for that reason specifically, then definitely get your tickets. Yeah, yeah. I think it's a great way to see a bunch of our current customers as well as talking about new products. So, yeah, we're going to be back next year.
Senior Solutions Engineer at DroneDeploy
4wWe love RCN and the wonderful community you all have created! Thanks for hosting us at R-CON!