GRI 302 in one sheet 📍The GRI 302: Energy standard is part of the set of standards provided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) which are used for sustainability reporting. 📍These standards help organizations communicate the impact of their business on critical sustainability issues such as the environment, economy, and society. 📍GRI 302 could be sectionalized as the following: 1️⃣ Purpose: ▪️The GRI 302: Energy standard is designed to help organizations report on their energy use and impact. ▪️It aims to provide a consistent and reliable framework for collecting, calculating, and presenting information on energy consumption and efficiency. ▪️This standard is particularly relevant as energy consumption is a significant environmental aspect of most organizations' operations, and managing it effectively is crucial to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. 2️⃣Structure: The GRI 302 is divided into two main sections: 1. General Disclosures: - This section requires an organization to report on its management approach to energy, describing how it manages or governs energy issues and the impacts of its energy use. 2. Specific Disclosures: - These are divided into individual aspects: - 302-1: Energy Consumption within the Organization: This includes the total annual energy consumption within the organization from all sources (both renewable and non-renewable), broken down by primary energy source. - 302-2: Energy Consumption outside of the Organization: This focuses on the energy consumption related to activities not included in 302-1, such as transportation of goods and services, and business travel. - 302-3: Energy Intensity: This metric is used to measure the efficiency of an organization's energy use by comparing the total energy consumed with a relevant business metric, like production output or floor area. - 302-4: Reduction of Energy Consumption: It covers actions taken to reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency within the reporting period. This can include process redesigns, changes in employee behavior, or investments in energy-efficient technology. - 302-5: Reductions in Energy Requirements of Products and Services: This disclosure details the efforts to reduce the energy requirements of products and services over their whole lifecycle, from design to disposal. 3️⃣Application: Organizations use the GRI 302 standard to report on energy in a way that is understandable, comparable, and useful for stakeholders such as investors, clients, customers, and the general public. The data gathered allows for benchmarking and assessing progress in improving energy efficiency and transitioning to less environmentally harmful energy sources. #Sustainability #GRI302 #EnergyEfficiency #BusinessResponsibility #RenewableEnergy #GlobalReportingInitiative #CorporateSustainability #onesheet
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EU Taxonomy , CSRD Assurance
10moThere are some companies that report energy generation under energy consumption as per GRI 302; they do not classify them separately, but analysts look after the CDP disclosure to confirm the amount of generation and consumption. I don't know how reporting is misleading the information in the regulatory framework.