The winemaking machinery and technological equipment grant program is about to start! Hunya Péter, our managing director, shared critical insights and specifics to the Hungarian Agroinform site, regarding the 2024 winemaking subsidy. 🍷 We encourage all interested parties and prospective applicants to initiate their preparations promptly, as every little detail counts. 📲 For key details and beneficial guidance, please read the article on Agroinform!
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🌾 Exciting News from O.F.Mill !!! 🌾 We're thrilled to share our brand new video presenting the world of quality and precision at our Company, where we specialize in milling durum wheat into premium semolina. This video highlights our dedication to excellence, from the field to your table and how we continue the lead the industry with innovation and tradition. Discover how our high-quality semolina is transformed into the pasta you can find in shops around you, delivering taste and quality you can trust 🍝 👌 For the English version, please check the link in the comments. #Milling #DurumWheat #Semolina #FoodProduction #Innovation #Sustainability #QualityFirst #FoodIndustry
O.F. Mill Sládkovičovo - SK
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✨ In light of the upcoming 2nd RAST Conference, today we share with you an inspiring interview with Small Business Standards (SBS) Director General Ms Maitane Olabarria Uzquiano on the key challenges and opportunities that SMEs face when implementing standards. 📈 The discussion highlights the importance of raising SMEs' awareness of the benefits of standardisation, the identification of relevant standards and the challenges of implementing more complex standards such as quality management systems and environmental management. 🌿 #SME #RASTConference #standards #Standardization
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If you want to hand your business to someone - hand it to professionals, do it with #SKF and our #authorized #distributors. Avoid putting your business and safety to risk - just like in the video 🙂 By remanufacturing with SKF - you can restore the full useful life of your bearings at a lower cost and with minimized lead times compared to buying new bearings. All while reducing your carbon footprint. You get reliable remanufactured bearings according to SKF standards, documented CO2 emissions reduction, and SKF Warranty with the same duration as for new bearings. Minimize operation and maintenance costs: Operation and maintenance costs are often extensive. But by using remanufactured bearings, you can make significant cost savings – with the size of the savings depending on bearing size, complexity, bearing condition and price. With remanufactured bearings, you can: • reduce total life cycle costs • extend bearing service life • reduce machine downtime • maintain stock value of spare bearings • improve overall asset reliability With remanufacturing, the service life of bearings can be extended, restoring the full useful life of the product (up to 2-3 remanufacturing per bearing) * depending on the current bearing condition By remanufacturing of the bearings - we help you to: • Move from a linear to a circular economy • Minimize lead times on components for fast repairs (weeks to months) • Reduce the cost up to 60% compared to the new bearings • Reduce the carbon footprint up to 90% you can find out more at link below
🔧 Prečo renovovať ložiská? Šetrite čas, peniaze a životné prostredie! Pre našich zákazníkov ponúkame jedinečnú službu renovácie ložísk, ktorá prináša množstvo výhod. Naša renovácia je rýchly a efektívny spôsob, ako vrátiť ložiskám pôvodné vlastnosti bez nutnosti kupovať nové. Výhody renovácie ložísk: 💰 Úspora nákladov – Renovácia je často cenovo výhodnejšia než nákup nových ložísk, čo je dôležité najmä pri väčších priemyselných zariadeniach. ♻️ Ekologické riešenie – Predĺženie životnosti ložísk znamená menej odpadu a menšiu ekologickú stopu. Prispievate k udržateľnejšiemu podnikaniu. ⏱️ Kratšie dodacie lehoty – Často dokážeme renováciu realizovať oveľa rýchlejšie, než trvá objednávka nového ložiska ✅ Kvalita a spoľahlivosť – Renovované ložiská sú podrobené prísnym kontrolám a spĺňajú rovnaké štandardy ako nové ložiská Naša technológia a skúsenosti zaručujú, že ložiská po renovácii fungujú spoľahlivo a efektívne. Ak máte záujem dozvedieť sa viac alebo zvážiť renováciu ložísk vo vašom zariadení, neváhajte nás kontaktovať. Spoločne ušetríme náklady aj životné prostredie! 🌍 PS. Nerobíme to ako tento chlap vo videu :D
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AlmalombCoffee was at Shark Tank. Check out the snapshot below, where the debate was about compostable packaging vs. responsible consumer behaviour using plastics. What do you think? #almalombcoffee #almalomb #rtlhu #rtlplusz #SharkTank #CápákKözött #compostablecoffeecapsules #sustainibility
Itt láthatjátok a Cápák Között felvétel egy szeletét. A beszélgetés egyik legizgalmasabb pontja a komposztálható kávékapszulák jövőjéről szólt. Bár befektetést nem kaptunk, rengeteg hasznos tapasztalattal gazdagodtunk! 🙌 Check out the link where you can see a snapshot from our pitch at the Hungarian Shark Tank. One of the hot topics was the future of compostable coffee capsules. Though we left without investment, we learnt a lot, thank you all! #almalombcoffee #almalomb #rtlhu #rtlplusz #CápákKözött #SharkTank #komposztálhatókapszula #compostablecoffeecapsules
Balogh Levente: Az, hogy ördögtől való a műanyag vagy az alumínium, ebben én nem hiszek
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We exceedingly value our interaction with our client, which gives us the possibility to immerse as deep as possible into the client’s pains and advantages to win their export in Eastern Europe. We appreciate the eagerness of our client to carefully select the necessary spare parts and supply them exclusively from European manufacturers for further design and production of hydraulic, lubrication, and pneumatic systems. On the straight way forward to the winning export, the WinExport relies on the main advantages of our client, specifically: extensive experience in the production and sales of own produced spare parts for the internal market, engineering buero, quick response for customer needs, and flexible capacity abilities. Undoubtedly, we together will overcome the lack of export experience in our client as WinExport is exactly here to stand with and support the client's company export affairs comprehensively . Certainly, we expect to achieve the following short term goal as short term financial result with the export of spare parts manufactured by our client to Eastern Europe countries. The WinExport team will provide to our client with a list of potential partners with the same business approach to distribute products to Eastern Europe countries. #visionestinstitute #exportconsutantmastery #exportconsultations #thewinexport The Export Consultants' Mastery program has been developed by Visionest Institute (Estonia) in cooperation with the State Enterprise "Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development" within the framework of the national project Diia.Business. The project is implemented with the financial support of the he U.S. Department of State Office of the Assistance Coordinator for Europe and Eurasia under the 10th Round of the Development Cooperation Partnership (DCP) Program and ESTDEV - Estonian Centre for International Development Cooperation.
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💡During the negotiations on the Climate Resilient Economy Act, the road construction enterprises were most vocal on asking to increase the number of green tenders. The state and local governments have a great influence on the market as ca 96% of roads are constructed through public tenders. ➡️One of the main aims has been to partially substitute bitumen in asphalt mixtures with other materials. ✔️And now, for the first time, Estonian Transport Administration is installing an asphalt mixture with lignin on a road section. The purpose of using lignin is to reduce the environmental footprint of the asphalt mixture.
✅Esmakordselt Eestis paigaldame Mäeküla–Koeru–Kapu teelõigule ligniiniga asfaltsegu. Ja mitte ainult sõiduteele, vaid ka kergliiklusteele. ♻️Tegemist on Eestis esimese riigitee katselõiguga, kus Transpordiamet kasutab ligniini bituumeni asendajana asfaltsegudes. Ligniini kasutamise eesmärgiks on naftabituumeni osaline asendamine asfaltsegudes, et vähendada asfaltsegu keskkonnajalajälge. Kõik see toimub koostöös Tariston ASi ja Fibenoliga. Loe lähemalt siit ⬇️
Transpordiamet paigaldab esmakordselt Eestis nii sõidu- kui kergliiklusteele ligniiniga asfaltsegu
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#OpenAccess #Review 📰Fenugreek Galactomannan and Its Versatile Applications by Vanya Nalbantova, Niko Benbassat and Cédric Delattre Read the full paper here: #fenugreek #polysaccharides
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📚 A collection of the most up-to-date #OpenAccess books policies from across the European Research Area is at your fingertips…how will you use it? The #PALOMERA project created its Knowledge Base of OA books policy documents to provide data for the project’s analysis of barriers, enablers, indicators and potential pathways for including books in OA policies. Explore the Knowledge Base here: The Knowledge Base also provides evidence behind the recommendations that PALOMERA partners made to help speed up the transition to OA for books in Europe. Read the recommendations here: Now that PALOMERA is ending after 2 years of in-depth work on #OAbooks policy, SPARC Europe has contributed to identifying many use cases for the Knowledge Base. Focus groups and an ERA-wide stakeholder survey revealed the variety of ways that the Knowledge Base will continue to be relevant to PALOMERA’s stakeholders in the years ahead. How will they use the Knowledge Base? 🔎 Gather evidence 📚 Access knowledge or resources 📢 Advocate for OA books publishing and policy ❓ Inform decision-making 💡 Identify and share good practices 🌐 Access community 🔬 Learn and study OA book trends 📑 Research and benchmark policy 🔍 Search for policies ⚙️ Network These use cases strongly argue for the Knowledge Base’s current and potential future value. As a result, project partners are committed to maintaining and updating this service in years to come.
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Professionals at out member firm in Slovakia VGD SLOVAKIA talk about the approval of the long-awaited amendment to the VAT Act and the changes it brings, in their article below.
🟢Národná rada Slovenskej republiky schválila dlho očakávanú novelu zákona o DPH. Najvýznamnejšie zmeny sa týkajú registračných ustanovení, zavádzajú sa nové osobitné úpravy pre malé podniky alebo napríklad možnosť samozdanenia pri dovoze tovaru. Viac sa dočítate v našom dnešnom článku 👉
NRSR schválila dlho očakávanú novelu zákona o DPH
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Read the latest article from our member in Slovakia, VGD SLOVAKIA around the tax reliability indexes by which the Financial Administration evaluates taxpayers. The article provides insights into what you can do if you do not agree with the newly assigned tax reliability index.
🟢Ubehol už polrok od posledného prideľovania a prehodnocovania indexov daňovej spoľahlivosti, ktorými finančná správa hodnotí daňové subjekty. 🟢V najbližších dňoch preto môže byť aj do Vašej elektronickej schránky doručené nové oznámenie o pridelenom indexe, a to za predpokladu, že došlo k jeho zmene od posledného pridelenia. ❓Čo robiť v prípade, ak s novým prideleným indexom daňovej spoľahlivosti nebudete súhlasiť, sa môžete dočítať v našom nasledujúcom článku.
Po pol roku finančná správa opäť prehodnocuje pridelené indexy daňovej spoľahlivosti
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