The beauty of modern colourimetry is that it can be extremely accurate. By controlling the reaction (and still allow some leeway) +/- 1ppm is easilly achievable. Heres an idea of the small amount of equipment required to control the reaction and gain the accuracy. See the blog below. #COLOURIMETRY, #CRUDEOILTESTING, #OILANDGAS
New Blog Alert! We just published a new blog on choosing the right equipment for OMMICA assays. 🧪🔬 Explore the equipment that helps you achieve accurate and efficient results. Key points include: -Recommended spectrometers -Importance of a steady 50°C incubator -Essential use of pipettes -Optional yet useful accessories and more! Learn how the right tools can elevate your assay accuracy. Read more: #LabEquipment #Spectrometer #LabTech #OMMICA #ScienceInnovation #LabEssentials #NewBlogPost