Flow in the #GascoyneRiver at 9 Mile Bridge is good news for the community, and as monsoon season starts, a reminder of the role our river monitoring plays in protecting regional communities during flood events. Seasonal flows are important for recharge of aquifers that support regional economies like Carnarvon’s foodbowl. While this current flow of the Gascoyne is unlikely to bring an unrestricted pumping opportunity for irrigators, it helps top up the water resources used for horticulture, as well as for the water dependent ecosystems, after a dry season. This was the first flow at 9 Mile since late June 2024 and had high quality fresh water measuring salinity of 122 mg/L TDS. Learn more about river level monitoring: https://ow.ly/9i6s50Usp7N Bureau of Meteorology #WesternAustralia #aquifers #Carnarvon #Gascoyne #WaterManagement
Bore and Drilling Specialist
3wGreat. Was involved in lots drilling in the Carnarvon River and we always loved it when there were significant river flows.