When church income gets complicated When getting involved with church accounts, it may surprise you just how many unusual scenarios and requirements you come across with various income items. In addition to the more regular areas of general giving and commercial activities, you also be dealing with a range of new or odd situations. Some that you may come across may include: • Residential rental income (and associated fees and expenses) from a property that your church owns • Government / community grants • Donations that are specified to be used for a particular purpose • Income into a Deductible Gift Recipient fund that your church controls • Support tied to funding for a specific staff member’s support • Income from a related entity in a GST grouping arrangement • Franking credit refund from the ATO in relation to a trust distribution • Income from the sale of assets (including property) • Income from fundraising drives or events This list is not exhaustive, but you get the idea of the types of things that may come up. Read further in our full article here: https://lnkd.in/gSq7zM-c
Ed Johnson’s Post
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When church income gets complicated When getting involved with church accounts, it may surprise you just how many unusual scenarios and requirements you come across with various income items. In addition to the more regular areas of general giving and commercial activities, you also be dealing with a range of new or odd situations. Some that you may come across may include: • Residential rental income (and associated fees and expenses) from a property that your church owns • Government / community grants • Donations that are specified to be used for a particular purpose • Income into a Deductible Gift Recipient fund that your church controls • Support tied to funding for a specific staff member’s support • Income from a related entity in a GST grouping arrangement • Franking credit refund from the ATO in relation to a trust distribution • Income from the sale of assets (including property) • Income from fundraising drives or events This list is not exhaustive, but you get the idea of the types of things that may come up. Read further in our full article here: https://lnkd.in/gbdH5Q43
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When church income gets complicated When getting involved with church accounts, it may surprise you just how many unusual scenarios and requirements you come across with various income items. In addition to the more regular areas of general giving and commercial activities, you also be dealing with a range of new or odd situations. Some that you may come across may include: • Residential rental income (and associated fees and expenses) from a property that your church owns • Government / community grants • Donations that are specified to be used for a particular purpose • Income into a Deductible Gift Recipient fund that your church controls • Support tied to funding for a specific staff member’s support • Income from a related entity in a GST grouping arrangement • Franking credit refund from the ATO in relation to a trust distribution • Income from the sale of assets (including property) • Income from fundraising drives or events This list is not exhaustive, but you get the idea of the types of things that may come up. Read further in our full article here: https://lnkd.in/gbdH5Q43
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Churches That Help With Utility Bills Struggling with utility bills? Many churches offer financial assistance to help keep your lights on and your home warm. Here’s a list of churches in your area that are ready to support those in need: 1. St. Vincent de Paul Society – Provides assistance with utilities, rent, and more. 2. Catholic Charities – Offers financial support for utility bills and other basic needs. 3. Salvation Army – Helps low-income families with energy bills and other essential expenses. 4. United Methodist Church – Provides utility bill relief through community outreach programs. 5. Lutheran Services – Assists with utility payments for families facing financial hardship. #UtilityHelp #FinancialRelief #ChurchAssistance #CatholicCharities #SalvationArmy
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Free Funeral Assistance Through Churches Did you know that many churches offer financial assistance to families facing the loss of a loved one? This support can help alleviate the financial burden that comes with funeral expenses. Here's how churches often provide funeral assistance: 1. Direct financial aid: Some churches offer direct grants or loans to help cover funeral costs. 2. Partnering with funeral homes: Many churches have established relationships with local funeral homes that offer discounted services to church members. 3. Fundraising efforts: Churches may organize fundraising events or campaigns to raise money for funeral assistance. If you or someone you know is facing the loss of a loved one, consider reaching out to your local church for support. They may be able to offer financial assistance and other resources to help you during this difficult time. #FuneralAssistance #ChurchSupport #CompassionateCare
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According to Carers UK, it's estimated that as many as 10.6 million people in the UK provide unpaid care. Before the budget, alongside 60+ charities, we supported the Care and Support Alliance's open letter to the chancellor Rt Hon Rachel Reeves, demanding that the government invest in social care. It's clear now that these millions of people are being lost and forgotten in our social care system. And it's unacceptable that so many people are left without the support they need. "People are unable to live fulfilling and independent lives. People are worried. Families are under extreme stress." Jackie O'Sullivan, co-chair of the Care and Support Alliance. The contributions of unpaid carers are invaluable, and they deserve recognition, support, and fair investment from our social care system. Families and care workers share their reality with the Big Issue 👉 https://bit.ly/3NSMaxN #ShowUsYouCare #CareAndSupportAlliance #SocialCare #Budget2024 #Budget24 #Budget #AutumnBudget
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You probably know that the last quarter of the year sees nearly 30% of donations come in for churches, with 17% happening in December. With that in mind, do you have a plan to send a Year-End Giving letter? Whether you decide to send it in the mail or via email, a Year-End Giving Letter is a great tool to celebrate what God has done in your community this year and an invitation to encourage givers to give from the heart while leaning into the tax benefit heading into the end of the calendar year. A win-win! Looking for a starting place for a Year-End Giving letter? Click here to download and customize our template: https://lnkd.in/e5znk3pr #churchcentraloffice #churchbudgeting #churchbudget #budgetingtips #churchbudgettips
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Does the word “beneficiaries” have you saying, “bena-who?” Good news–this post is for you 👀 ( Here are four fast facts about this important part of estate planning: 1️⃣ A beneficiary is the person, people, or entity/entities you name to inherit what you leave behind. 2️⃣ Beneficiaries don’t have to be people. Many wills and trusts name charities or organizations as beneficiaries. 3️⃣ Good questions to ask include: Does anyone depend on you financially? Are you married? Do you have children? All of these may influence your beneficiary choices. 4️⃣ Keep in mind that for some assets, there are two types. A primary beneficiary is the person first in line to receive the benefit. A contingent beneficiary is a backup if your primary beneficiary is no longer alive.
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What is a simple will? We are frequently asked what constitutes a simple will. Our participating solicitors and will writers suggest that a simple will might typically include the following: - Executor and testamentary guardian appointments, as appropriate - Up to 4 cash legacies - Simple division of the residuary estate including trusts to defer an entitlement to a specified age. For a couple, basic mirror wills would require the provisions in the wills to be identical or near identical, so as not to be separate documents. This September, Oakhaven has teamed up with local solicitors and estate planners who will waive their usual will writing fee in return for a donation to Oakhaven Hospice. Visit our website for more information and to book an appointment with a participating professional: https://lnkd.in/dApFurpf #WriteAWillMonth #OakhavenHospice #MakingEveryMomentMatter #EricRobinsonSolicitors #HeppenstallsSolicitors #ScottBaileySolicitors #MooreBarlowSolicitors #JasperVincentSolicitors #HeritageWillWriting #PJHEstatePlanning #HWBCharteredAccountants #MakeADifference
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AUGUST IS MAKE A WILL MONTH 5 Reasons You Need a Will 1. Make your wishes known. Without a Will, state laws will divide your estate without your input. 2. Minimize disputes. A Will helps clarify your wishes, reducing the potential for family conflicts over your assets. 3. Provide for your children. If something happens to you, you decide who will care for your minor children. 4. Provide clarity. Distribute your assets to family, charities, or other meaningful causes according to your wishes. 5. Peace of mind. People with Wills are 40% more likely to feel peaceful and confident about the future. jackiebeverly@wearelegalshield.com #LegalShield #Will #finaldecision
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Those of you who come on social media space to compare churches and dilapidated schools and other failures of governments and political leaders need to realize that you cannot compare apples and oranges. Many in leadership positions including myself went to government schools and we had it better so if your alumni cannot help to hide the failure of government by contributing to put their schools in good shape or to hold your government and those politicians who keep stealing the money meant for education and other things to better the lots of citizens, what has that got to do with the church? Did the church put gun on your head to donate? Many of you who castigate churches and their leaders don't even go to church nor make donations. What is the primary responsibility of government? It is not the welfare of the people? so if the government fails, why not hold the government accountable? But it's the church you lash on. I pray that your eyes of understanding be open and you hold your government who collect all taxes accountable and stop castigating the church and church leaders. Selah! DSO.
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