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Executive Coach I NLP Master Trainer I An Owner of the Society of NLP I Retreat-Coach for Executives I Leadership Development I Kommunikationsexpertin I Führungskräfte-Akademie der Society of NLP
Why is there a Street of the 17th June – today’s date – in Berlin?
The Strasse des 17. Juni (Street of 17th June) is a major thoroughfare between the Brandenburg Gate and the Great Star Victory Column. It’s a well-known venue for mega-events, having variously hosted the Love Parade, 2006 Football World Cup and the Berlin Marathon. This year, it forms part of the awesome Berlin Fan Mile for EURO 2024.
But what’s the significance of the date?
Formerly known as Charlottenburger Chaussee, it was renamed to commemorate the events of 17th June 1953. On that day, economic and political dissent in East Germany blew up into a major uprising in Berlin and beyond. About a million people were said to have taken to the streets.
Initially peaceful demonstrations turned violent and over 50 people died. Many protesters were killed during clashes with police and Soviet troops. Others were subsequently executed or died in custody. Around 15,000 people were arrested. The day was declared a public holiday – the Day of German Unity - by the West German government a year later.
Is 17th June still celebrated today?
The Berlin Wall came down on 9th November 1989, marking the beginning of the end of the division between East and West Germany. Reunification was officially completed on 3rd October 1990. Since then, the Day of German Unity is celebrated on 3rd October. Today's date remains a day of remembrance.
You’re welcome 🥨
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This is how a society becomes "future-dumb"....
"The energy transition is an illusion. It is total nonsense." And "We can't be without fossil fuels."
Says Stefan Aust, the editor in chief of a major German news group (WELT). This points to an underlying reason why Germany and other western nations are loosing competitiveness. Holding on to the past and willingly believing misinformation and disinformation. And ignoring evidence for the contrary of which there is plenty.
If he were just an ordinary citizen at the bar, it wouldn't be a big deal. But he is a very influencial figure in Germany. This clip is already making rounds among the notorious enemies of progress. Without showing the hosts' pushback. This is how a society becomes "future-dumb". This is how polarization grows.
The good thing is that renewable energy is growing massively. Also in Germany. Because it is a profitable investment. Economically, ecologically and socially. Fortunately, entrepreneurs have skin in the game, and therefore don't care about the alternative universe this man (and many others) lives in. Investments in coal, gas and oil are declining. Most will become stranded assets ( i.e. rather liabilities) in a not to distant future.
"Die Energiewende ist eine Illusion - sie ist totaler Quatsch."
Das sagt nicht irgendwer. Das sagt Stefan Aust. Herausgeber der Tageszeitung DIE WELT, ehemaliger Chefredakteur des SPIEGEL und einer der wichtigsten Meinungsmacher des Landes.
Und das sagt er nicht irgendwo. Das sagt er bei Maischberger. Und die Berichterstattung zur Energiewende in DIE WELT, WELT Online und auf WELT TV spiegelt genau diese These wider. Ununterbrochen.
"Es geht nicht ohne fossile Brennstoffe - alles andere ist eine totale Illusion." Sagt er.
Nachdem er weitere wissenschaftliche Studien in Frage stellt, fragt ihn Anja Kohl völlig entgeistert: "Wollen Sie jetzt die Wissenschaft in Frage stellen?"
"Ja. Stimmt nicht immer alles." sagt er. Und stellt danach in Frage, dass wir CO2 reduzieren müssen.
Wenn einer der wichtigsten Meinungsmacher der viertgrößten Wirtschaftsnation solche Statements von sich gibt, fällt einem wirklich nichts mehr ein. Konservativ - ok. Aber das ist nicht nur reaktionär, das ist irrational - um nicht zu sagen: irre und gefährlich. Für unsere Gesellschaft und für unsere Wirtschaft.
Wer sich den Spaß anschauen will, der möge die Minute '55 folgende genießen - mit offenem Mund und schüttelndem Kopf.
Wir freuen uns, #ThomasKoch als Referenten im Rahmen der "ACFE Germany Conference 2024" am 18./19. April 2024 in Frankfurt/M. begrüßen zu dürfen.
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Wir freuen uns, #PatrickSchneider als Referenten im Rahmen der "ACFE Germany Conference 2024" am 18./19. April 2024 in Frankfurt/M. begrüßen zu dürfen und freuen uns auf seinen spannenden Vortrag.
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Almost 30% of Austrians support the idea that making Austria a fortress against immigration is going to solve their problems or the problems that humanity, including the little nation-state, is facing. Or is it faulty wishful thinking: let us save ourselves while the world collapses...?
And this after the historically worst 4 day rain that the country has faced since records have been kept. The answer: let's vote for the ones who still deny that climate change is human caused...
And this ... two days after members of the FPÖ were seen (and have been charged for "Wiederbetätigung" or Nazi reactivation) at the funeral of a party member where SS-songs were sung... Wurstegal.
A sad day.
The positive part: Possibly there will be no coalition with the FPÖ, even though the conservatives (ÖVP) might betray their declared distancing from them. And we have a Green President who is very reluctant to ask the winner to build a government.
Very important article form Julia Steinberger about the continued rising of the far right: