Strategic HR Professional | HRBP | HR Consultant | Compensation and Payroll specialist |Talent Management Specialist | Performance Management Expert | L & D Expert | HR Data Analyst | Public Speaker | Corporate MC
“Western Education Was Only a Trap to Enslave Africans”
I recently came across a thought-provoking video where a young man shares his perspective on Western education's impact on Africa. He confidently states:
"The Western education brought to Africa was an instrument to enslave the Africans. Africans were independent and entrepreneurs before Western education arrived, which brought about poverty and unemployment."
This statement challenges the conventional narrative and sparks a crucial conversation about the true effects of colonial-era education systems on African societies.
📢 What are your thoughts?
1. Do you agree or disagree with his assertion?
2. How do you think Western education has impacted Africa economically, socially, and culturally?
3. Can we find a balance between preserving indigenous knowledge and embracing modern education?
Share your opinions in the comment section and let's dive into this important discussion! 👇🏿👇🏽👇🏻
He plans to go to the university. This guy believed that school is only a trap that was used by the white man to enslave Africans and today he is yet to tell us why. Hi, my name is Headlight of Africa. I strongly know that the western education in Africa is an instrument or a colonization to the white man bring to Africa to enslave African youths, to make African youth totally dependent consumers and today I am here to tell you why. Bro, how can you say something like this that western education is only A2? Sleep mate. Western education in Africa is the introduction of poverty in Africa. Western education in Africa is the introduction of joblessness in Africa. I tell people that before white man came to Africa, there is no one in Africa who is jobless. Every young man has a job. He's either he's a farmer or is a a palmwine Tapper or he's a blacksmith or he's an author, pedic surgeon. Whatsoever is in the young boy is already independent at age 1820. So that the planning of how to get married because he's having a job, he has a financial work he's doing. In production of education in Africa automatically breeded numerous dependent shoot in Africa. And why is it so is because the education that was availed to Africa was not actually designed in a way to solve problem. It was actually designing a way to actually breed people who will pursue memory and not actually pursuing solutions to people's problem. Because the reason why we study, the reason why we go to school is to solve human problem. The reason why we do all kind of learning. If I come if I'm going to do apprenticeship today. I'm going to learn trading today. If I'm going to school today, all I'm doing as a human being is how do I improve my environment? How do I look around my environment and improve my in my environment to solve the problem in my environment? Unfortunately, the educational system that was bringing to Africa was not meant to have functional knowledge. Functional knowledge is the knowledge that we have direct application to the environment where you are coming from. So why do white people are reading to solve human problem? Africans are reading to get certificates. Unfortunately, certificates don't solve problems. Certificates expand poverty in the nation, widening dependency and make the youth illegibly dependent consumers. So the assignment is keep the youth busy, keep them. We give them memory and why the people are reading, pursuing certificates on that, on that project, the youths are being empowered. They now put incentive there. The incentive is they trap because when you want to capture an animal, you have to if you if you make a trap, you have to put maybe the few meats or the things that we actually attract the. Cinema to that place so money was actually put there as the incentive so those who actually put the interest in that memory education and came out as first class those people are being paid a little amount of money to encourage others to continue pursuing that memory education that have no physical application. And then when somebody eventually graduates you will now ask the person young man you said you study pharmacist yes I can you produce drug are you producing He doesn't have anyone he's producing all our drugs is being imported from India and we says we are graduating millions of pharmacists. And in Africa you not discovered the pharmacists come out and start going to sell drug. This drug is something that somebody who did not even go to university at all when thought and the markets learn for six months and they begin to sell rock. And then somebody went and studied for five good years come out and begin to sell drug. I am reading chemical engineering, I enter chemical engineering, chemical engine for five good years. I come out with chemical can you produce you are helpless. You now want and start missing paint. The same pain that somebody did not go to school at all. Somebody went and learn how to misspent for within six months the person is already missing paint but. I graduate in numerous numbers of chemical engineering graduates every year. The same way you come to engineering. If the white man educational system was actually meant to solve human problem, the white man would have been building a car and they were building a car. The white would have been building a building the road you would be building Rd. by yourself. The white man would have building phone this phone I have you would have been building this phone. But the reason why you would have to Western education is useless in Africa is that if there are 10 Rd. today leading to your village, some of them is constructed by Arab or Julius Berger. Because they're not the education system that give you have no functional knowledge. The civil engineers, you are giving certificates. And the problem that it is better not to know than to know wrongly. The worst form of learning is England is is not even ignorance, is to know wrongly. Because when you know wrongly, you must have acquired pride, you must have acquired ego that will block the new inflow of knowledge in you. I tell people that the place to find the most stupid people in Africa is in the university. You will see the university lecturers, doctors, professors, professors have. Bought for 20 something years in this school. This man is not asking himself. I I spent over 20 something years in school. I did my nursery, I did my primary, I did my secondary, I did my university, I did my my doctorate degree. I now did my professor. I have taught in this school for 20 something years and aside the mathematics I am serving in the class and aside the English and all the things I read, I read out inside the class. Which problem can this thing solved? Which problem can this thing solved in the society? If the government stop paying me the normal salary they are paying me, we'll discover I am helpless, I am useless because the knowledge I have is not functional knowledge is not knowledge that solve the problem within the environment. Instead the knowledge this young man have knowledge of all athletes and unfortunately English language don't solve problem. It was designed in a way that they'll come and ask you. Here is a chemical engineer student. They will ask me how many batteries and you miss to get a power bank and. How many votes will you connected to the head will say it's battery saver intelligent person that will make it for you and on the day they are producing that power bank. If you come close they will kill you because when you come to the western education we discover Western education western the West create secrecy of knowledge and reason why they create secrecy of knowledge is because they they they they assignment is let the wise the people who are talented are taking away when you begin to hear about things occurred patents an average African man don't know what is patent patent is what. Gives you a right of ownership of a particular something. For instance, I manufacture this phone and now I'm going to go and get the patent of this phone to make sure that I am the only person who is producing this patient. You are somebody manufactured Pepsi and secured patent over it. So the people who produce these goods, who produce this, the world inventors, they want they created this value, but they want all the mass of the people to be using this thing without producing it. They want the whole mass of the followers to abuse me because when you come in a society, society spectrum is. Of three type of people, the wise, the foolish and the mass of followers, the wise are calibrated as 10% wise, the foolish are calibrated as 10% intentionally stupid and foolish and then 80% mass of followers. And despite the society is going to decide where this 80% mass of followers is going to follow. If there are intensified in such a way to follow the wise people, they must have followers will follow the wise. If they are intensifying in such a way to follow the foolish, they must of followers will follow the foolish. When you come to the Western court, when you come to the West. To the West. You discover the West, great secrecy of knowledge. So you see people like Jeff Bezos, Elon Mosque, they are the people that are going to manufacture the value. They are very, very intentionally talented. They're manufactured phone, the brain tips, they're manufactured agricultural listing. But they don't want the 80% mass of followers to come and compete with them. They want the system by which the 80% match of followers will come and be using this goods they're manufactured. And so how do they do it? They go and empower the other 10% internationally. Bullish intentionally stupid, those are the comedians, those are the footballers, those are the musicians. You see flavor whiskey all of them and they are going to protect them on the media and why they protect them on the media with ***** *****. The mass of followers will be following those stupid, foolish people and why the mass of followers following those people then the 10% intentionally wise we create the utilities secure patent over it for the exploration of that team. Education is one of the is one of the ways these these people. Great secrecy of knowledge because when you hear that the Bible says that the the fruit, the immortal fruit, fruit that you will never eat is don't eat the fruit of knowledge. Education is a simple example of that. It's high knowledge from the people, normal instincts, derails thinking. And then what he does is promoting of memory from that place. So we have, we keep on producing thousands of African graduates every year who now come out and they become helpless. And that is the reason why an average African young man today is struggling to marry. Because when you turn African young man at age 252627 years now when are you getting married? He says not one Yahoo who don't even go there. Why? Because he has gone to the university unique you are 9 and spent five years come out. He doesn't even have up to 500 K his account. So he is frustrated because the educational system is supposed to structure him to be a problem solver has created him to be a problem. And so the boys is struggling with finances. That is why I tell people that university has breathed more criminals in Africa than Osama bin Laden and Lusitano. Why? Because when you breed number of numerous number of youths every year that had jobless, jobless man is an is when you hear devil, when you hear a wins equals is a hungry man, a man who have who is healthy but he doesn't have food that's opens. So #1 the youths can no longer be productive, free from financial dependency. And then they are running away from marriage because they couldn't take responsibility because there has been availed an education system that wasted all their youthful life. Mom and so the young girls is absolutely also make the young many, many young girls in our society praying for math for your husband. Why the people are praying for husband are struggling for survival. And this is one of the reasons why we are struggling with morality today because morality will always override survivor. A man who is hungry does not wear any other way. Don't eat. And so when somebody is hungry when you have produced this massive number of the youths in Africa who you call to graduate and the people are carrying certificates up and down looking for a place to get job, then you cannot. Come and tell the people to be living a righteous life. You will not have society and inevitably there are going to be criminality in that society. So I'm not talking, I'm not telling you to abandon the Western education. No, what I'm telling you is that we need to restructure it to make the youth productive. No longer making the youth beautiful speakers of English language so that the youth will now be people who will now, as I studied chemical engineering, yes, I come out, this is the acid I'm producing. I produce the acid that people put in their. As I produce the battery in people's power bank, I produce this kind of chemical. Yes, I studied pharmaceutical engineering. At least vitamin CC you'll be manufacturing. Go to pasta more. Understand where I'm coming from, that education will not come from productivity. I started the electric electrical engineering. Yes, I'm on your part of building this camera that is videoing us. This is the way to make sure that when you come to that system, that was what time is did they once have this kind of education we have and they did what is called Chinese Renaissance and Chinese finance was a system by which they restructured their system automatically. The education become from productivity and you know education actually in the resistances of two kinds. One is literacy dimension. Literacy dimension is when somebody has to teach you how to read and write. That's the secondary school dimension and the primary and secondary school when you have to learn how to read. And how to write then if you are entering into the university, you should be that I want to be build a car. So every book you gather that you will read will read the book you'll be reading until you start manufacturing that car. So on this process, you know that you are very, very focused on being productive whatsoever. Education that was actually breeded in giving people certificates has has produced criminals in the society. And I can tell you without missing word that education is the fountain of corruption we have in our society today. When people are being trained to become dependent after education, automatically you are you are you are grooming people who will be catastrophic in the society. So I call on the restructuring, the restructuring of education. System in our renaissance to make it an educational solve problem I'm gonna wanna dabble but I wanna do with the bad people in society this is my submission for our education system thank you so much wow wow usually I will have more questions to ask but. In this moment, I don't even know what to say, I don't even know what to ask. Whatever you think about his opinion kindly indicated in the comments section. And if you feel that this knowledge is valuable to you, can share to your family and friends, share it to your professors, let them see different perspective about the African educational system. This young man believes that it's a trap and he has his evidence, you know, he said in the past.
Strategic HR Professional | HRBP | HR Consultant | Compensation and Payroll specialist |Talent Management Specialist | Performance Management Expert | L & D Expert | HR Data Analyst | Public Speaker | Corporate MC
It's true though but, there are also people who are talented to be educators and education also give opportunity for the least talented to nurture skills that they may have but not know they do.
I believe it's more of our approach to it than it's intended purpose.
School doesn't necessarily have to be a classroom with books and tables, it can be an open farm, a workshop, a yard, any place where learning can take place can be a school.
We just need a shift from the traditional book education system to a more practical one. But some basic academic teachings should be kept and new ones should be added.
I think basic schools and secondary schools should incorporate some sort of education on financial investments which is needed by everyone in society.
I am thinking of starting a business in a few days it needs capital you just need money to rent a house and buy other things so please help me as much as possible it will cost 3lkhs to 4.5lkhs
Did You Know?
Education is the passport to the future, yet not every nation invests much in preparing its citizens for tomorrow. Among Africa's diverse economies, some countries stand out by dedicating a significant share of their GDP to education.
But here’s the catch—are these investments truly transforming lives? 💭
Discover the top 10 African nations prioritizing education spending—an inspiring yet thought-provoking look into where Africa's future leaders might emerge from.
Are these investments enough? Which country do you think is leading the way? And where is your country on this list?
#Education#Africa#Development#FutureLeaders#EconomicGrowth#EducationSpendingAmb. Namira Negm (Dr)African Development Bank GroupAfrican UnionAshoka
Transforming K-12 Education in Africa using design thinking, agile thinking and future thinking | Designing the next generation of k-12 In Africa | 100k African teachers to Authentic Learning Designers by 2030.
The New Africa : "I am because we are".
It's our year of education in Africa, so I am more enthused than ever to talk about education on the continent.
As we desire a better continent, society and economy, we also need to ensure that the coming generation go through a training ( education experience ) that is potent enough to drive this desired change.
Question: What happens when there is that child that is not doing so well in a classroom ?
Answer : The excellent kids are encouraged and this child may not have the opportunity to rise because other kids want to be the best. We even parade the excellent kids as the fruits of our labor to show that we have done well. The report card shows that the system is not designed to help everyone equally. Like School, Like Society!
Is this narrative really advancing our society?
What if it's becomes a "culture" that when one child is down, others in the classroom see to it that enough help is supplied. In essence, no one wants anyone to go down!
We need more good people in Africa and not just good grades on paper.
Somehow, it has become difficult for us to collaborate in Africa 😢😢 (And other continents too ). This is a foundational problem that we need to start addressing early enough.
The coming generation must experience a different kind of education if we truly desire a new Africa, the kind that produces more good people and not just good grades.
Our schools must mirror our desired society!
Agreed ?
"There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect." This quote is attributed to Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the USA popular for his eloquence,charm and courage.
Did you know,the number of jobless people is set to increase by two million, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO)'s World Employment and Social Outlook Trends: 2024?
Is Africa ready or preparing to handle rising unemployment?
In an article by Hicham El Habti on the World Economic Forum website,that the African youth holds the key to development potential, hence growing recognition that Africa’s education programs must be reimagined to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit that benefits society.
Further in celebration of Africa Day 2024 themed "Education Fit for the 21st Century," the African Union recognizes that education is a cornerstone for Africa's growth and development. It serves as a critical driver for socio-economic transformation and innovation. Modernizing our educational systems to include digital literacy, critical thinking, and adaptability ensures that Africa can harness its demographic dividend, foster entrepreneurship, and compete effectively on the global stage.
Do you know an African country's education system that would fit the 21st century education?
Welcome to follow my weekly series on entrepreneurship as a vehicle for economic empowerment.
My latest article, "Educating Us – Going Back to the Basics", has been published in The African Magazine!
In this piece, I reflect on the transformative power of basic education and how it holds the key to unlocking Africa's potential. Education, to me, is a journey, not a destination, and I explore how going back to the fundamentals can reignite the values that build stronger individuals, communities, and nations.
Check it out here:
I’d love to hear your thoughts — do you agree that education holds the key to our transformation? Let's start a conversation! 💬
As Africa celebrates 2024 as a year of Education: Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century. To educate an African fit for the 21st Century, we need deliberate efforts at the grassroots level to ensure that we attain the Africa we want. Therefore, Africa should consider the following implementations in the education sector:
1. Civic Education to include intensive topics on Governance. Such topics would include lessons on African integration: delving into details and highlighting means which every African can buy into continental goals. The topics should further teach deeply about poverty, inequality, corruption, and the interrelatedness of the system. Having such topics and lessons will enable pupils, scholars, and educationists to buy into the vision/agenda of 2063.
2. Promotion of African Literature and Research: Africans should promote and advance local research which will result into homegrown solutions to the problems currently being faced by the continent. Africa needs homegrown solutions to address the ever-pressing problems of hunger, poverty, inequality, and conflicts.
3. Ensuring conducive learning environments: Knowledge sharing can not be sustained in an environment that is not conducive. Therefore, African Governments should focus on creating a conducive environment for learners at all levels to obtain the maximum benefit of education.
African Union ECOSOCCAfrican Union#2024Educate_An_African_Fit_For_21stCentury.
Last Saturday, we celebrated Africa Day under the theme, “Education fit for the 21st Century.” For me, it was a moment to reflect on our knowledge of our continent. Beyond our national borders and popular tourist destinations, how much do we truly know and/ understand Africa; especially in terms of African integration?
The European Union (EU) was deliberate in its integration process. As early as the 1950s, European institutions introduced studies aimed at enriching the understanding of integration within their curricula. These educational steps have significantly shaped the perspectives of policymakers across Europe, starting from their basic education.
Drawing lessons from the EU’s approach, Africa has a unique opportunity to equip the next generation with the knowledge and skills needed to drive economic integration and prosperity across the continent. African educational systems have the potential to educate Africans on Africa, fostering a new drive, desire, and energy to see our continent succeed.
With the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which provides a renewed opportunity for regional integration, it is crucial to intentionally incorporate African studies into school curricula, from the basic to the highest levels.
I firmly believe that Africa can rise again through these intentional efforts. By embedding AfCFTA studies into our educational framework, we can empower future generations to realize the full potential of a united and prosperous Africa.
Africa's rich history is unfortunately marked by conflict. But what if education wasn't just about memorizing facts, but about building a future of peace and collaboration?
Here's the challenge: Can peace education be the cornerstone for a more prosperous Africa?
CONSIDER THIS 🌹 Conflict breeds poverty, and education empowers. By equipping young minds with conflict resolution skills, empathy, and critical thinking, we can break the cycle.
🌹 Diversity is a strength, not a weakness. Peace education can foster understanding and respect between different ethnicities and cultures.
🌹 Young people today and tomorrow. Investing in peace education now ensures a generation of leaders who prioritize dialogue over violence.
The question is: Are we doing enough?
Let's discuss! Share your thoughts on how education can be a catalyst for peace in Africa.
Join the conversation today and be part of the change! #PeaceEducation#AfricaUnbound#EducationForGood#6GIMACRECsMeetingAfrican Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD)Pravina Makan-LakhaKaren OndwasiFawe RDCMartha MuhweziH.E. Doris Munyingi 🇰🇪Helen Kezie-NwohaAmani Africa
P.S. Looking for ways to get involved? Share resources, organizations, or initiatives working towards peace education in Africa in the comments!
The African School of Economics is transforming the tertiary education landscape in Africa with its bold vision for equal-opportunity access to the highest standards of learning and research.
Through our innovative multi-campus model, we are aligning our programs directly with labor market demands.
By embedding entrepreneurship and vocational training into every program, we equip our students with #knowledge and practical skills to lead and thrive in diverse #workforces.
Be a part of what #ASE is doing in #Africa
Sound Economic Policies always include the people whom such policies may impact. As Africa dedicates this year to Education, May we develop new education programs that will address Structural Unemployment among the youth and programs that will promote integrity in the conduct of business among Africans.
Education remains a top development priority for Africa and the African Union Year of Education underlines the central role education plays in unleashing the continent's economic potential.
On the sidelines of #UNGA79, GPE, the African Union and Human Capital Africa brought together African leaders and key development partners to discuss what it needed for transformational change in education that will allow every child to learn and thrive.
Strategic HR Professional | HRBP | HR Consultant | Compensation and Payroll specialist |Talent Management Specialist | Performance Management Expert | L & D Expert | HR Data Analyst | Public Speaker | Corporate MC
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