It's better to be distinctive than different. To be distinctive, is to be uniquely different. It's to be different in a way that only applies to you. When you're distinctive, one only needs to see a small part of you, to know it's you. Paris is distinctive. Only Paris is Paris. Every corner of Paris oozes Paris. Coca Cola is distinctive. Only Coca Cola is Coca Cola. They can run an ad and not even show the product, and you know it's an ad for Coke. Nirvana was distinctive. Only Nirvana was Nirvana. You can listen to half a second of any song from any of their albums and it's clear you're hearing a Nirvana song. So, when thinking of how to set yourself apart, don't just think of being different. Think of being different in a way that's distinctively you. #brandbuilding #b2bmarketing #marketingstrategy
When speaking about building a companys brand I feel like this is necessary. Not a lot of companies can reach to the point of Coca Cola for example, or Nike, it takes years. The so feel like you need to create a resonated emotion with the users you reach out to, in irder to do that. It takes a lot of time, effort and creativity.
15,000 hours of Learning and Development.
9moAm I too destinctive if I go to a Jewish Gala (in a major synagogue NYC) with this shirt?