EIT Food West’s Post

A study funded by EIT Food and conducted by the Universität Hohenheim, with contribution from ProVeg International, have identified many motives, drivers and needs for further development of plant-based food markets in Europe. 🌱 The list of arguments entertained by companies, NGOs and communities is long, ranging from benefits on personal and global health to positively impacting climate change with individual food choices. 🍎🥕 The top 3 drivers that persuade consumers to opt for #plantbased alternatives are: 💚 Health reasons 🐄 Sustainability & animal welfare 🧠 Curiosity Download our report here to find out more: https://bit.ly/4di15Mg #vegan #eitfood #proteindiversification

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Marieke van Schoonhoven

Programme Manager - Editorial Lead FoodUnfolded at EIT Food


Interesting. Aren't sustainability and animal welfare two different drivers?

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