We are thrilled to share the impact of the maternal health awareness sessions conducted in Virudhunagar, an aspirational district in Tamil Nadu, with the generous support of EKAMUK. These sessions, held across multiple PHCs in the Kariapatty Block, provided critical information to ANC (Antenatal Care) mothers on birth preparedness, postnatal health, nutrition, hygiene, and safe physical exercises. With the active participation of health stakeholders and the involvement of 80 mothers across four sessions, the initiative successfully mobilized communities to prioritize maternal health. Mothers expressed deep appreciation for the tools and guidance provided, noting how it helped them make informed decisions for their health and their babies' well-being. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Ekam UK for enabling us to reach the most vulnerable communities and ensuring better maternal health outcomes in Tamil Nadu. #EkamFoundation #MaternalHealth #TogetherForMothersAndChildren #CommunityCare Vaikuntanath Kakarla
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Maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is a way to measure the number of deaths per 100,000 live births from pregnancy-related complications. It is one of the key indicators of how well the healthcare delivery system is performing in geography. There are wide disparities in MMR across different states. Kerala, with an MMR of 19, boasts of performance even better than the US while a populous state like UP has an unacceptably high MMR, worse than Zambia in Africa. What is Kerala doing differently? Kerala’s success in achieving a low MMR can be attributed to several key factors: >A well-developed primary healthcare network ensures maternal services are accessible at every level, from rural areas to urban centers. > High female literacy and social awareness create an environment where women seek and receive care early in their pregnancies, leading to better maternal and neonatal outcomes. > Comprehensive training and support for healthcare workers, particularly at the community level, enables prompt interventions during pregnancies and childbirth. India’s journey to reduce MMR will depend on the ability to tailor these interventions to the unique challenges of each region. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India World Health Organization UNICEF Jhpiego Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India - FOGSI STILLBIRTH SOCIETY OF INDIA #BetterBirthStudy #Healthcare #Consulting #MaternalHealth #MMR #PublicHealth #Kerala
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Appreciation for Tamil Nadu Health Department's Achievement of Zero Maternal Mortality🎆 Zero maternal death has been recorded in a Health Unit District (HUD) in one year. From April 2023 to March 2024, of the 7,991 deliveries recorded in the Virudhunagar HUD, no maternal death was recorded as per officials/HMIS reports. 1️⃣ Good referral system - HDU Model- About 30 to 40 primary health centres (PHCs) are clubbed together to form HUDs across the state. Patient concerned will immediately be shifted to the tertiary care hospital. 2️⃣ Utilizing the Power of social media (Whatsapp)- Virudhunagar Collector in 2022 started a WhatsApp group where all private and government doctors would share updates on deliveries. If any complications were reported, the patient concerned will immediately be shifted to the tertiary care hospital. 3️⃣ Health system strenthening Strategy- Emphasis on identification of all low-risk and high-risk pregnant women. High-risk women will then be referred to the nearest Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC) centres for delivery. 4️⃣ Capacity building- District Management conducted a workshop on “Bringing Down the Maternal Mortality, Rate Connecting Missing Dots” for health officials and workers. This remarkable achievement showcases the dedication and excellence of TN Health department in ensuring the health and well-being of mothers and their newborns. In Durg District, Chhattisgarh also we have started this one year back and active management, coordination, learning and success stories are being created. Everyone should do this and ensure 0 MDR in there area. #SDGGoal03 #MDR #healthandwelbeing #HealthUnitDistrictModel #Bestpracticeinhealth Source: Media Report of Jul 31, 20243:16 pm, Indian News Express
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We are excited to share our latest policy brief on the seasonal patterns of births in Jharkhand. This comprehensive analysis reveals how seasonal variations impact birth rates, providing valuable insights for improving healthcare delivery and family planning programs. Understanding these patterns is essential for enhancing maternal and child health services in the region. Read the full brief here: https://lnkd.in/grTTSTE5 #NutritionResearch #PublicHealth #HealthcarePlanning #IITBombay #Jharkhand #FamilyPlanning
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On this #WorldLungDay, September 25th, as we embrace the theme: “Clean Air - Healthy Lungs for All”, let’s recognize the critical importance of #lunghealth and advocating for respiratory well-being globally. With the rising prevalence of #respiratorydiseases, including #tuberculosis (#TB), this day underscores the urgency of addressing these health challenges. In India, #TB remains a significant challenge, with the #WHO’s 2022 report highlighting approximately 2.8 million new cases and 342,000 deaths. However, the nation is on a transformative path, with a bold goal of #TBelimination by 2025—five years ahead of the global #SustainableDevelopmentGoals (#SDGs) target. Given this, USAID-NISHTHA/Jhpiego is supporting the #NationalTuberculosisEliminationProgram (#NTEP) towards #TBelimination. Our efforts include providing technical support to the national and state governments to integrate #TBcare into #AyushmanArogyaMandir (AAMs), under the #AyushmanBharat initiative. These centers play a crucial role in delivering #comprehensiveprimaryhealthcare, including essential #TBservices, which enhances #awareness, #earlydetection, and #treatmentadherence, while also offering psychosocial support to patients and their families. Additionally, through the Ni-kshay Saathi initiative—a family caregiver model—#NISHTHA is ensuring holistic support for #personswithTB. This initiative aids in completing treatment and reducing disease transmission. We are also working to improve #TBtreatment and birth outcomes for pregnant women and newborns by implementing a #CollaborativeFrameworkforTBManagement in Assam, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Sikkim, and Odisha. To further strengthen #communityledactions, #NISHTHA provides technical assistance to states for the #engagement and operationalization of #JanArogyaSamitis (#JAS) at AAMs. This enhances the quality of #TBcare services at the grassroots level. These combined efforts highlight the #innovative and #collaborative approach to advancing #lunghealth and achieving #TBelimination. Together, let’s continue to progress for a #TBfreeIndia and healthier lungs for everyone. USAID India Anuradha Jain Kachina Chawla Brian Holler Swati Kapur Natasha Burrows Bhavin Vadera Reuben Swamickan Amar Shah Somesh Kumar Dr. Debadutta Parija Jhpiego Dr Puja Ambule, Dr. Jignesh Parmar World Health Organization
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Here’s a #throwback to when we announced a strategic partnership between Vitamin Angels India and The Akshaya Patra Foundation to address the pressing challenges of hunger and hidden hunger across #India. By combining Akshaya Patra’s expertise in delivering nutrient-rich meals with Vitamin Angels’ focus on micronutrient supplementation and health education, this initiative aims to improve the #health of some of India’s most vulnerable populations: pregnant women, lactating mothers, adolescent girls, and under-5 children. The collaboration will focus on: ✅ Providing Vitamin A supplements & deworming treatments for children under 5 ✅ Increasing iron-folic acid (IFA) & calcium intake for pregnant women ✅ Health and nutrition counseling for women and children ✅ Building capacities of Anganwadi workers to expand their reach The partnership reinforces our shared commitment of not only fighting hunger but addressing micronutrient deficiencies that hinder long-term health and development. Together, we aim to impact maternal and child health, ensuring a brighter, healthier future for communities across the country. . . . . #ThrowbackTime #YearEnder #partnership #CSR #leadership #socialimpact #LeadersOfChange #impact #Poshan #PoshanAbhiyaan #children #ChildHealth #NutritionForAll #HealthForAll #NutritionForAll #MaternalAndChildHealth
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"I gave birth at the clinic in my village. I wanted to transfer the baby here by ambulance, but it turned out that there was no fuel. I came by motorbike and I was afraid the baby would die, but the nursing staff helped me." A young Burundian mother shares her harrowing experience of giving birth to her #premature baby and the care she received at the #KangarooMotherCare Unit of the Regional Hospital in #Ngozi, where the #NEST (Neonatal Essential Survival Technology) Model has been implemented. #Burundi faces one of the most fragile health systems in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2022, the #neonatal mortality rate was approximately 20 deaths per 1,000 live births. This alarming statistic underscores the urgent need to enhance #neonatalcare in the country, where access to quality health services is limited and resources are scarce. Through the NEST project, the #ChiesiFoundation is dedicated to addressing these challenges and improving access to quality care to allow #newborns to survive and thrive. Find out more about the NEST Model here: https://lnkd.in/dMDfdEqE #HealthForAll #HealthEquity #InternationalCooperation
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Health Mothers, Healthy Babies Project Update: Daudi Health Center, the second-largest facility in the region, is embracing innovation to improve maternal health. The medical in-charge was particularly inspired by CPAR's ultrasound initiative for rural communities. She pledged full support to CPAR Tanzania, ensuring that every pregnant woman will have access to ultrasound screenings in all trimesters. Let's continue to make strides toward healthier futures for mothers and babies. #CPAR #Tanzania #Health #Women #Children #Babies #ANC #Maternity #ReproductiveHealth
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In rural communities like Yiraya Moria in Kamadugu Yiraya Chiefdom, Falaba District, Sierra Leone, the absence of adequate health facilities presents dire challenges, particularly impacting maternal and child mortality rates. The story of a pregnant woman being transported by foot on the shoulders of men, during the night, to a distant neighbouring community for delivery encapsulates these difficulties intensely. Yiraya Moria's lack of nearby health facilities forces women to endure perilous journeys, often on rough terrain and in risky conditions, to access basic maternal care. This situation significantly heightens the risks associated with childbirth, from delays in receiving urgent medical attention to increased vulnerabilities during transport. The lack of healthcare infrastructure threatens the health of mothers and children beyond individual cases. Accessible healthcare services, tailored to the needs of rural communities like Yiraya Moria, are crucial for reducing maternal and child mortality rates in Sierra Leone. #minstryofhealth #NGOs #Health #Maternalmotality #Childmotality Let us fix this 🙏
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𝐍𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐑𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 In the serene yet underserved rural areas, children's health often remains overshadowed by daily struggles. Limited access to healthcare, inadequate nutrition, and lack of awareness significantly affect their well-being. For these children, regular health screenings are not just vital; they are a lifeline to a healthier tomorrow. Major health challenges such as malnutrition, respiratory infections, and preventable diseases persist due to poor healthcare access. Recognizing this, the Aarogya Vahini Trust in collaboration with Tata Steel Downstream Products Limited has taken a heartfelt initiative to extend compassionate care to these communities. Through meticulous screenings, nutritional counseling, and timely interventions, the team ensures no child is left behind. Their efforts bring hope and health to families who otherwise face unyielding barriers to medical care. Let us stand together to safeguard these young futures. Join us in this journey of love and happiness. #childhealthcare #ruralhealthcare #aarogyavahinitrust #tatasteeldownstreamproductslimited
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