As responsible sourcing practices globally continue to be a cornerstone of sustainable business, initiatives like this the Supply Chain Innovation Pilot set a benchmark for collaboration and meaningful change. #ResponsibleSourcing #SupplyChainInnovation #WorkersRights #Sustainability #ESG Electronics Watch
Which global supply chains have the highest risk of human rights violations, and what can public buyers do to mitigate them? Public bodies have huge potential to drive human rights due diligence (HRDD) in their #supplychains, thanks to the scale and scope of their buying power and leverage. They contract the private sector to deliver a vast range of goods and services to meet the needs of their citizens, from building roads to buying bananas for schools and hospitals. Since 2016, Electronics Watch has supported affiliated public buyers to promote and protect the rights of workers in their electronics supply chains. Our unique worker-driven approach enables more effective supply chain due diligence and provides evidence about risks and violations to support the remediation of human rights abuses. With the Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) Programme, we expanded our model into automotive supply chains, focusing on minerals, electronics and batteries. Now, in response to growing demand from public authorities, our #InnovationPilot builds on lessons learned to address HRDD across other high-risk procurements. Want to learn more? Visit or reach out to Cindy Berman and Haëndila Varela. #workersrights #humanrights #HRDD #humanrightsduediligence #procurement #responsibleprocurement #electronics #mining #food #construction #textiles #migrantworkers