Come to Osaka 😉 In preparation for the 2025 Osaka Expo, several improvements are being made to the Osaka Metro, aiming to increase speed and efficiency ❣️ 1. Osaka Metro Chūō Line Extension The Chūō Line will be extended to Yumeshima Station for the 2025 Expo, improving access to the venue. 2. New Stations New stations, including Yumeshima, will be built to improve accessibility for everyone. 3. Increased Capacity Train frequency will increase, and special services will be added to handle Expo crowds. These changes will make the metro more convenient for visitors and locals.
Congrats Emiko!
Congrats Emiko!
Ingegnere Elettronico. Interferometria Radar, Signal/Image Processing, Reti di Sensori, Reti Neurali/NeuroFuzzy, Sistemi SCADA, Sistemi per Energia Rinnovabile. Alta Formazione, Formazione Professionalizzante
2wVivissime Congratulazioni Emiko !!!