📣 In our current series we are introducing our fellow EOSC Family projects, their mission, consortium, and values. 💡 In this installment we are introducing the OSCARS project. This project aims to strengthen the role of Science Clusters in the European Research Area by promoting data processing and management solutions. This will foster the uptake of Open Science in Europe by consolidating the achievements into lasting interdisciplinary FAIR data services and working practices across scientific disciplines and communities. Read more about the project: oscars-project.eu EOSC Association CNRS #research #openscience #cancerdat
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Check out the highlights from our final session today!
It was such a pleasure to moderate a panel discussion on Fostering Brain Circulation: The Impact of Research Diasporas in Advancing Scientific Excellence at the EuroScience Open Forum 2024 ESOF ! Huge shout out to the amazing speakers who shared their insights on brain drain, brain gain and much more: Alexander Hasgall from Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF Viktoriia Hurochkina from Ukrainian Scientific Diasopra in Poland Javier Pardo Díaz, DPhil from Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (SRUK/CERU) Ala Santos, PhD from Polonium Foundation Thank you all for this engaging and inspiring discussion! Thank you Agnieszka Gawda for making it happen 💪🏻 #network #scietificexcellence #collaboration #keepcalmandcurieon
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Last call to vote for the Unconference sessions at the #EOSCSymposium 2024! Voting closes today, Friday 26 April, at 17:00 CEST. Three simple steps ▪ Visit the #EOSC Symposium web page. ▪ Pick your favourite sessions among the ones supported by EGI. ▪ Choose up to six sessions and submit your vote! interTwin iMagine SoBigData Research Infrastructure CSIC #EOSCFocus #EuroScienceGateway #GraspOS #OpenScience
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🔑 Eight pillars have been identified by the European Commission to promote open science: FAIR Data, Research Integrity, Next Generation Metrics, Future of Scholarly Communication, Citizen Science, Education and Skills, Rewards and Incentives, and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Read more about open access in the whitepaper below , thanks to our Sister Project NANOBLOC for sharing!
🌟 Exciting news! 🌟 We are pleased to share our latest whitepaper on Open Science experiences from the Horizon Europe NanoBloc project! 📄🔬 Open Science is a core element of Horizon Europe, the EU's main funding program for research and innovation. This approach to scientific research is designed to foster greater transparency, collaboration and trust for the benefit of the scientific community and EU citizens. Our report discusses how we adhere to the principles of Open Science in the NanoBloc project, ensuring that our scientific results are accessible to all. By embracing Open Science, we aim to maximize the impact of our research and contribute to a more open and collaborative scientific landscape. 🔗 Link to download whitepaper: https://lnkd.in/diaAW5YG #OpenScience #HorizonEurope #InnovationResearch #ScientificCollaboration
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Henrich and colleagues famously highlighted that individuals from "Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic" (WEIRD) cultures represent only 12% of the global population. Yet, much of scientific research relies on these populations, even though they are statistically outliers and culturally distinct from the rest of the world. This raises a critical challenge: how can we achieve generalizable conclusions in science without greater diversity in population samples? Two major barriers contribute to this issue: 1️⃣ Unequal access to resources and opportunities for scientific work worldwide. 2️⃣ A lack of practical guidance for researchers on how to diversify their population samples and engage in more inclusive practices. In my recently published commentary paper in the Journal of Neuroscience, I outline practical steps for conducting research projects like those displayed below 👇 . Importantly, the focus is on doing this work both correctly and respectfully. You can read the paper here: https://lnkd.in/eKnW9A-d major funding sources: Ghent University European Research Council (ERC) Research Foundation Flanders - FWO F.R.S. - FNRS
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This year marks a significant milestone for Lithuania: five years as a proud member of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)! Why does this matter? EMBL is a global leader in molecular biology research, fostering groundbreaking science, interdisciplinary collaboration, and access to cutting-edge technologies. For Lithuanian researchers, it’s an opportunity to contribute to addressing critical challenges like public health and climate change while advancing our nation’s scientific potential. On December 2, Vilnius will host a special event celebrating EMBL's 50th anniversary and Lithuania's 5th year as a member. The event will feature EMBL Director General Prof. Edith Heard, distinguished scientists, policymakers, and industry leaders. Attendees will also experience an inspiring exhibition where science and art converge. Curious about how EMBL membership is shaping Lithuania’s scientific future? Find out more in the article: https ://shorturl.at/bPhvs #LifeSciencesCenter #VilniusUniversity #EMBL5 #ScienceForFuture #ResearchInnovation #LithuaniaInScience #GlobalCollaboration #MolecularBiology
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Discover how Biomemory, a spinoff from CNRS and Sorbonne Université, is revolutionizing data storage with DNA technology! Check out this insightful article by Jean-Sébastien Zanchi on CNRS Innovation website, discussing our mission to store data on DNA for almost eternal preservation. A special thanks to CNRS for their continued support and collaboration, and heartfelt gratitude to Stéphane Lemaire, Chief Science Officer, cofounder of Biomemory, and Director of Research at CNRS. Read the full article here: https://lnkd.in/gx_Z-MxP
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Three Ghent University researchers receive an ERC Proof of Concept Grant for research on colonial injustice, detection of art forgery and CO2 free technology. This grant will allow them to further develop the industrial and social innovation potential from their ERC work. Congratulations! Tine Destrooper (in collaboration with postdoc researchers Dr. Cira Palli-Aspero and Elke Evrard), Anna Tummers and Kevin Van Geem. 👉 read more: https://lnkd.in/d3bnz6rN #ERCPoC European Research Council (ERC)
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The ten themes addressed by the One Ocean Science Congress are diverse. Below are the topics that will be covered under theme 1 « Integrating knowledge systems, with a focus on responsibility and respect for the ocean ». https://lnkd.in/edqkVQtf #OOSC Ifremer CNRS
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🚨 🚨 NEWS : During the previous two days, I enjoyed participating in the fourth edition of the Doctoral Students Days. It was a great opportunity to present a part of my progress in my research with a poster. Furthermore, I captured this occasion to attend interesting conferences, exchange knowledge with many young researchers, and have an idea about their works, which can inspire many new ideas and help me to have some potential new collaborations. #Chemistry #JDD24 #DrugDesign #MedicinalChemistry #Reserach
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📣 In our current series we are introducing our fellow EOSC Family projects, their mission, consortium, and values. 💡 In this installment we are introducing the EOSC Siesta project. This project aims to deliver a set of tools, services, and methodologies for the effective sharing of sensitive/private data in the EOSC, following a cloud-based model and approach to foster the sharing and processing of sensitive data in the EOSC. Read more about the project: eosc-siesta.eu/ EOSC Association CSIC #research #openscience #cancerdata
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