In this panel episode, we hit a crucial number of topics that I’m frequently getting questions and feedback about. Work and home life balances and stress management are hard for average working folks.. but inject in a first-responder, police, fire, EMS, etc career? Hypervigilance, Compassion Fatigue, Cynicism.. oh my! I’m joined by experts from different angles: Deana Kahle, (new face), Dr. Medina Baumgart (returning guest) and Cpl. Mark Bouchard, RCMP (returning 4th? appearance!) With the range of perspective, we cover the multitude of challenges for off-duty life, stress reduction, efforts in work/life balance, communication, boundaries and more! This is one to share out to your team, first responders, spouses and family for sure! #firstresponderfamily #offduty #worklifebalance #lawenforcement #hypervigilance #burnout
Can’t wait! Timely topics headed into the New year
Police Commander, Blue Grit Radio Podcast Host, Wellness and Peer Support Coordinator, Columnist, Career and Lifestyle Mentor, Contractor, Advisor and Consultant
3wMedina Baumgart, PsyD, ABPP Mark Bouchard Deana Kahle, M.S. LMFT