Construction projects are complex long-term projects with dynamic nature. They bring together multiple parties within different disciplines and require them to work coherently in a designated area to construct a structure with a constrained budget within a specified time. Most of the construction projects are incomplete in terms of design, procurement, contracting prior to the start of the construction due to their complex nature. Project properties are determined and finalized during the construction of the project and changes are exerted within the process.
Change orders, also known as variation orders, are common in the construction industry, but they're also a common reason for construction disputes and lost profits.
A change order or variation order, is a request to amend the original construction contract that changes the contractor's scope of work. Change orders often come up when the designs are incomplete or incorrect or are missing important elements, an owner requests a change in the design of the original plans, or if something unexpected comes up on the job site.
A change order alters the contract agreement between the contractor and owner. It describes the changes from the original plans along with resulting additional costs and schedule changes.
Types of Construction Change Orders
Change orders don't all operate the same way. Here are some of the most common change orders on a construction project.
-Added Scope or Additive Change Order
-Scope reduction or Deductive Change Orders
-Change orders led by Design changes .
The best way to deal with change orders is to avoid as many of them as possible. Adequate preconstruction planning and project management is a preemptive strike against the unexpected. By completing due diligence, preconstruction teams can uncover local regulatory requirements, soil conditions, and other factors that could impact the construction plan.
Collaboration with other stakeholders on the project team can help identify design errors or omissions, though some project delivery models limit this collaboration until after construction work begins.
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