Our project manager, Rain Koort, recently shared some valuable insights with Delfi Ärileht about our ambitious plans in Saueveere. 🏗️✨ We’re thrilled to be working on such a transformative project and can’t wait to see the positive impact it will bring to the community. 👉 Read more about our plans and vision in the full article below!
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🌾 Exploring Regenerative Agriculture: The Future of Sustainable Farming 🌾 Want to understand how regenerative agriculture is revolutionizing sustainable farming? Dive into this insightful article from Põllumehe Teataja to learn how these practices not only improve soil health and biodiversity but also contribute to long-term agricultural productivity and resilience. The article features four inspiring Estonian farmers who are pioneering these regenerative practices on their farms. Their innovative approaches serve as exemplary models for others in the agricultural community. At Northern Roots, we are proud to play a role in promoting sustainable agricultural practices. We provide a platform for farmers, researchers, and policymakers to connect, exchange knowledge, and collaborate on the adoption of regenerative agriculture techniques. By fostering this collaboration, we help accelerate the shift towards more sustainable farming practices, supporting a healthier future for our lands and communities. Read the full article to discover the principles of regenerative agriculture and see real-world examples of how it is being implemented effectively 👇
Project Manager | Environmental Policy Management | Advancing Regenerative Agriculture | Grant Applications
Põllumehe Teatajas värskelt ilmunud artikkel jagab nelja Eesti ettevõtja lugu - kuidas taastav põllumajandus on nendeni jõudnud ja mida see neile tähendab. Taastava põllumajanduse fookus pole ainult muld ja bioloogiline mitmekesisus, vaid ka mõtteviis ja kestlikke muutuste tegemine - üks samm korraga. Northern Roots NGO toetab neid jätkusuutlikke tavasid, pakkudes platvormi teadmiste jagamiseks ja edendamiseks. Northern Roots Foorum 2025 toimub juba 22-23 jaanuar 2025 🌱 ✨ Loe pikemalt:
Taastav põllumajandus: mis see on ja kuidas töötab?
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You speak with such conviction just utter nonsense. There's no truth to what you are saying, if by any chance the ANC looses the election, a new government can change that policy. Hence organisation's like the DA are campaigning on ending AA, BEE, and all other policies that were put in place by the ANC government. That's why political parties campaign to be able to change what they see as not working, as you know our country is on a tight budget, and the economy is not growing. Where do you think the first budget cuts will come from? NSFAS, GRANTS, JOBS, to name just a few. Sugezela abantu apha ngobuxoki.
amaGrants angeke aphele iANC mayingasaphathi kuhulumeni. Ningakhohliswa abaholi benu.
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🚀 Introducing Oskuste Kompass — the innovative tool from SA Kutsekoda/ Estonian Qualifications Authority that empowers individuals and organizations to navigate the dynamic world of skills and professions! With Oskuste Kompass, you can explore thousands of skills, hundreds of professions, and dozens of industries to make informed career choices. Whether you're a student entering the job market, a professional considering a career shift, or an employer crafting job descriptions, this tool provides crucial insights and guidance. 🎯 The platform features four main modules: 1️⃣ Skills – A registry of over 2,500 skills aligned with the Estonian labor market. 2️⃣ Professions – Profiles of nearly 400 key professions. 3️⃣ Industries – Insights into 23 fields. 4️⃣ My Compass – A personalized space where users can build and track their skills profile. Designed for anyone shaping their professional future — from career seekers to educators and policymakers, Oskuste Kompass is your go-to resource for navigating the future of work and education. 🧭✨ A big thank you to our client for their trust and to outl1ne for their fantastic collaboration! 🙌👏 Explore Oskuste Kompass here: 👉 https://oskused.ee/ 👉 https://lnkd.in/dM98KM9p
Oskuste Kompass
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I've shared my thoughts with Visionest Institute on why a company's #reputation is an underrated asset with long-term benefits. Often, the focus is solely on #sales and #advertising, but lasting #marketing success requires much more. This article is in Estonian, so if you understand the language, feel free to check it out! 👇
Ettevõtte maine – alahinnatud vara, mis toob pikaajalist kasu Ettevõtte maine ja avalik kuvand on 2️⃣ aspekti, mida juhid tihti alahindavad. Lähemalt kirjutab Mari-Liis Vaher, MBA. Sageli peetakse oluliseks otsest müüki, kliendi hankimist ja reklaami, aga ettevõtte pikaajaline edu põhineb palju enamal kui vahetul turundustegevusel. Tugev maine ja positiivne kuvand loob usaldust, aitab hoida püsikliente ning tõmbab ligi uusi kliente ja partnereid. Tegelikult on turundus ja müük tihedalt seotud – sageli on müügiesindajad ise ka turundajad, ilma et nad seda endale teadvustaksid. Müük ja turundus on osa samast protsessist, mille keskmes on usalduse loomine kliendiga. Edasi loe 👇 https://lnkd.in/dTCriwn2
Ettevõtte maine – alahinnatud vara, mis toob pikaajalist kasu • Visionest
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Harry Nicolas Unveils Corn Farm Project to Tackle Haiti’s Food Shortages. | WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: Harry Nicolas, also known as Met Fey Vet, recently revealed a significant corn farm project in Haiti during a meeting with economist Etzer Emile. The project spans multiple regions, including a 10-hectare plot in Katye Morin, 50 hectares in Dumas, 130 hectares in St-Michele de l’Attalaye, 140 hectares in Petit-Goave, and 65 out of 200 hectares currently farmed near the Ouanaminthe canal. This expansive scope reflects the project’s commitment to making a substantial impact on Haiti’s agricultural landscape. Alarmed by the looming threat of food shortages, Harry Nicolas and Alix St Franc joined forces to promote local corn consumption. Their efforts garnered enthusiastic support from the Haitian Diaspora, who early contributed $300,000 to the project, even before its full structuring. Investors anticipate earning 25-30% of project profits, with volunteer landowners expecting returns of 10-25%. Under the leadership of Harry Nicolas and oversight of Alix St Franc, the project operates under the Consortium Met Fey Vet. Notably, the project prioritizes corn cultivation, with sweetcorn maturing in about 2 months and dry maize taking 4 months to mature for machine processing, offering greater economic viability due to its versatility. A the 10-hectare site can be harvested by 50 farmers, earning daily wages and food expenses totaling 1,250 HTG ($9.3). Work shifts run from 6 to 10 am to mitigate the effects of intense heat, ensuring a conducive working environment for laborers. Beyond its immediate economic benefits, the project empowers local communities and contributes to the overall stimulation of Haiti’s economy. Corn, as a highly versatile raw material, holds significant potential for various products in both Haitian and international cuisine. // Credits : Etzer Emile | Rendez-vous Économique Harry Nicolas #sustainability #communityempowerment #localproduction #haiti #argriculture #corn #maize #cornfarm #economy
Pran kèk minit pou gade yon moso videyo kote m te al vizite yon espas pwodiksyon mayi 🌽 nan komin Katye Moren ak Limonad nan depatman Nò peyi a. Se Mèt Fèy Vèt kap dirije bèl pwojè sa ki gen objektif valorize pwodiksyon nasyonal.
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A very concerning topic that cannot be overlooked! An article in Äripäev about employee exploitation emphasizes the need to pay great attention to labor relations. Representing the staffing company, we find it important to comment on this. Today, we spoke with our CEO Dmitri Burov about his thoughts on this matter. Dmitri emphasized that recently there has been a huge influx of careless one-day companies entering the labor market. We are compelled to warn all job seekers and partner companies and remind them how to prevent this unpleasant situation. To avoid collaborating with dishonest staffing companies, we recommend paying attention to the following points: 1. Conduct a thorough background check on the company: check annual reports, number of employees, tax payments, and average salary (this data is available at www.teatmik.ee (http://www.teatmik.ee/)). 2. Evaluate the company's reputation. Pay attention to reviews from other companies and employees, assess the company's website, presence on social networks, customer reviews and recommendations, and information about the team. 3. Ensure that a clear service agreement is concluded between your company and the staffing company. 4. Ensure that a correct contract is signed between the staffing company and each employee. These recommendations by Dmitri will help you to avoid unpleasant situations and take advantage of all the benefits of collaborating with labor staffing companies. Be aware that the main goal of staffing agencies is to ensure the safety and transparency of labor relations for all parties involved. #workplacesafety #laborrelations #mediationagency #companyrelationship #companyvalues #customervalues #reputation #carelesscompanies #laborrecruitment #staffingcompany
Ma olen töötanud tööjõu rentimise valdkonnas alates 2016. aastast. Kogu selle aja jooksul ei meenu mulle juhtumeid, kus ettevõtted, kellega mul on olnud tihedad suhted, lubaksid endale sellist suhtumist töötajatega. Mul vedas, et selliseid firmasid ei ole kohanud. Eelmises ettevõttes juhtisin dokumentatsiooniosakonda, nii et ilma õigete dokumentideta ei saanud keegi isegi tööle minna, mis on minu meelest täiesti normaalne iga endast lugupidava ettevõtte jaoks. Muidu pole mul mingit soovi olla seal, kus seadust ei täideta. Meie agentuur tähendab töötaja ja ettevõtte vastastikust suhtlust. Kui me kohtleme oma töötajaid halvasti, siis need töötajad avaldavad negatiivset mõju ka meie klientidele ja tehastele. Minu arvates, ettevõtted kes selliselt käituvad, teevad endale halva maine. Sõbralik suhtumine toob alati kasu mõlemale poolele. Arvestades, et täna ma tegelen müügitööga ja suhtlen otse klientidega, ma ei soovi kuulda kaebusi enda või ettevõtte kohta, kellega ma koostööd teen. Ma valin alati ettevõtteid, kes suhtuvad töötajatega ausalt. Töö inimestega võib olla keeruline kuid minu arvates, on see alati huvitav. Ma valin ainult kontrollitud ja väärikad ettevõtted koostööks, vastasel juhul ei taha ma oma mainet ohtu seada. Viimaseks tahaksin öelda, et pöördudes meie poole tööjõu rentimise teenuste saamiseks, saame garanteerida ettevõtte töö puhtuse. #tööjõurent
Tööjõurendi firmad kasutavad töötajaid järjest rohkem pahatahtlikult ära
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Follow-up to the recent proposal about the idea of undersea power cable between Estonia and Sweden. Recap in English: If TSOs are not interested, then electricity market players can build such cable themselves according to the EU regulations. This has been the case also with Estlink1 power cable 20 years ago, when Fingrid refused to build the cable in the first instance and power suppliers made it happen.
Einari Kisel: Kes ehitaks merekaabli Rootsi? - Trialoog
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💡During the negotiations on the Climate Resilient Economy Act, the road construction enterprises were most vocal on asking to increase the number of green tenders. The state and local governments have a great influence on the market as ca 96% of roads are constructed through public tenders. ➡️One of the main aims has been to partially substitute bitumen in asphalt mixtures with other materials. ✔️And now, for the first time, Estonian Transport Administration is installing an asphalt mixture with lignin on a road section. The purpose of using lignin is to reduce the environmental footprint of the asphalt mixture.
✅Esmakordselt Eestis paigaldame Mäeküla–Koeru–Kapu teelõigule ligniiniga asfaltsegu. Ja mitte ainult sõiduteele, vaid ka kergliiklusteele. ♻️Tegemist on Eestis esimese riigitee katselõiguga, kus Transpordiamet kasutab ligniini bituumeni asendajana asfaltsegudes. Ligniini kasutamise eesmärgiks on naftabituumeni osaline asendamine asfaltsegudes, et vähendada asfaltsegu keskkonnajalajälge. Kõik see toimub koostöös Tariston ASi ja Fibenoliga. Loe lähemalt siit ⬇️
Transpordiamet paigaldab esmakordselt Eestis nii sõidu- kui kergliiklusteele ligniiniga asfaltsegu
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"Is it legal?" - "It depends." This Einsteinian "everything is relative" answer is suitable for almost all legal questions. In addition, it's recommended to throw in a few more disclaimers about the correctness of the answer, and there you have it — a typical lawyer's response. Always correct. 🙃 I explained this short answer in detail to Delfi Business Pages, who asked whether the apartment association has the right to prohibit parking for tenants. Unfortunately, there is no "yes" or "no" answer to this yes-or-no question, which is why the "it depends" had to be used this time.
Sotsiaalmeedias levib foto ühistu kirjalikust otsusest, milles teatatakse, et edaspidi ei ole elamu hoovis parkimine üürnikele lubatud. Edaspidi tohivad seega maja parkimiskohti kasutada vaid korteriomanikud. Neid, kes korda rikuvad, ootab ees trahv. 👉 Kas selliselt kirjeldatud nõuded on ikka õiguslikult põhjendatud? Vastab Eesti Juristide Liit tegevpresident ning Advokaadibüroo LIVERTE vandeadvokaat Katarina Talumäe. Loe lähemalt artiklist:
Ühistu keelas üürnikel parkimise, võimaldades seda vaid korteriomanikele. Kas selline teguviis on õiglane?
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