EU Rural Tourism’s Post

Yesterday #EURuralTourism's second transnational webinar took place! More than 80 participants joined the session “Sharing experiences, creating networks”, aiming at strengthening the network of rural tourism businesses in Europe. 🤗 👉🏽 During the session we were able to learn about some of the results obtained by the businesses involved and thanks to EU Rural Tourism's support. The beneficiary companies as well as the Assistant Service Providers (ASP) shared their experience and key learnings. 🗻 The webinar was a great opportunity to collect the participants' experience as beneficiaries of the EU funds, both positive or more challenging, as well as understand the next phases of their tourism projects. ✅ Coordinating the support to 190 companies located in multiple countries in Europe has been a challenge, specially in terms of the language barriers. We want to thank the ASP for their great work, as well as all those companies that prepared their presentations in English. Thank you!! 💚 #EuRuralTourism #ECCP #SustainableTourism #RuralTourism European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) Venetian Cluster Clúster de Turismo Sostenible de Aragón National Cluster Association - CZ Longarone Fiere Dolomiti Srl ECOCLUB S.A. Harghita Community Development Association European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP)

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