European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC)’s Post

👨🔬 Sample collection is crucial in Human Biomonitoring Studies. During the second quarter (Q2) of 2024, the following #PARC_EU partners have started sample collection and interviews of the participants for the EU-wide human biomonitoring (#HBM) survey: NCPHP (Nemzeti Népegészségügyi és Gyógyszerészeti Központ); Hungary (study acronym: HBM-HU I): children (6-11 years), adults (18-39 years). EAA (Umweltbundesamt - Environment Agency Austria); Austria (study acronym: PARC–CSA): children (6-11 years). UBA, Germany (study acronym: GerES VI: adults (18-39 years). “At the German Environment Agency (UBA), we are currently sampling and interviewing for GerES VI, which comprises our contribution of adults for the PARC Aligned Studies,” explains Aline Murawski, deputy study lead of GerES VI at UBA. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting project!   ℹ️ More info 👉 #HumanBiomonitoring #EnvironmentalHealth #ChildHealth #PARC_EU #PARCStudies #HealthResearch #CommunityEngagement#NCPHP, #EAA, #UBA, #HBM #HBM4EU #human health #biomonitoring

Monitoring human exposure to chemicals: PARC Aligned Studies

Monitoring human exposure to chemicals: PARC Aligned Studies

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