Ever heard of cold brewing tea? It's a popular method where tea leaves are steeped in cold water for hours, creating a refreshing drink. But have you ever tried ice brewing? This lesser-known technique, called kōridashi, involves letting ice melt over the tea leaves, transforming the brewing process into a slow, meditative ritual. Wondering what makes this method so special? eighty degrees magazine, whose 12th Issue is due out imminently, has the answers. To read more or order your copy of Issue 12, click on the following link: https://ow.ly/5fxb50SU1Ge #teamagazine #teablogger #specialtytea #specialitytea #teaculture #tealover #teablog #teaaddict #europeanspecialityteaassociation #coldbrewtea #koridashi #readeighty
Could you please show it's liquor??
We're big fans of cold-brewing but we haven't explored this method yet! We'll have to try it - thank you for sharing 🙌