A new era begins for Fairmont Grand Hotel Geneva. Starting December 20th, this iconic lakeside hotel located in the heart of Geneva will temporarily close for a transformative journey. Honoring its legacy, history, and the cherished moments shared, the hotel will be renewed with a commitment to sustainability while upholding timeless hospitality and meaningful connections. Join us on this exciting journey—we look forward to welcoming you back to a reimagined Fairmont Grand Hotel Geneva, where new memories await. #FairmontHotels #FairmontGeneva
This is the way renovations should be conducted, rather than discounting a guest experience for the sake of profit! Nice!
Exciting times ahead for Fairmont Grand Hotel Geneva as it embarks on a transformative journey. With a focus on sustainability and timeless hospitality, we look forward to the reimagined hotel and the new memories it will create.
Best of luck
Purchase engineer 09714347632
Cannot wait to see what will come!