Entrepreneurs, remember this: "Transformation happens little by little, and then all at once." The big moments of breakthrough often come after countless small, unseen actions. It's the late nights, the difficult decisions, and the relentless consistency that build the foundation for success. Keep showing up. Keep doing the little things. Keep up the faith. Those seemingly small steps are shaping your story and your impact in ways you can’t fully see yet.
Entrepreneurs, keep showing up, your efforts are creating something bigger than you realize.
Faith Driven Entrepreneur Small steps of reformation/renewals/discipline creates the "then all at once" transformation
Patience goes hand in hand with faith. But patience, although a virtue, is difficult for those yearning to make change. God's timing is perfect timing
Success is built in the small, consistent actions you take daily. This is such a great reminder that transformation often feels invisible until the breakthrough comes.
Good small habits repeated daily while going in the same direction gets you to and thru transformation-of course the real transformation is wholly & Holy dependent on the Spirit.
The power of the Compound Effect Those daily actions multiplied over time = Massive Change 🤲
In the words of missionary Hudson Taylor when talking about working for the Lord, "First it is impossible, then it is hard, then it is done!"
Little by little consistently and with prayer and continual renewal of our minds in Him.
UX & Product Design Leader | Creative Leadership Multiplier | Servant Leadership Coach
3moJoseph had to be beaten by his own brothers, thrown in a hole, sold into slavery, framed, and imprisoned before he got to see God's promise coming to fruition. Moses needed God to exile, equip and embolden him before God could make a way out of the grips of slavery. Peter had to stop leaning on his own understanding before stepping out of the boat. Keep planting seeds for the kingdom and trust the Lord is tilling the soil.