A seguito del successone riscontrato all'evento di Caorle in Giugno 2024...ritorna il 22 SETTEMBRE 2024, LA ROSSANO FASHION NIGHT🤩💃 Un evento di beneficenza: tutto il ricavato andrà a favore del reparto di Oncoematologia pediatrica dell’Ospedale di Padova. *Following the huge success at the event in Caorle in June 2024...THE ROSSANO FASHION NIGHT🤩💃 returns on 22 SEPTEMBER 2024. A charity event: all proceeds will benefit the Pediatric Oncohematology Department of Padua Hospital. #Rossanofashionnight #beneficienza #unitisipuò #sfilata #moda #sponsorpartners #fashion #
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Be a light in someone’s darkness—pledge to be an eye donor today #Giftofsight Gift of Sight Month is observed annually in December to raise awareness about the importance of eye donation and the transformative impact it has on those suffering from vision impairment or blindness. It emphasizes the need for cornea donation, which can restore sight to individuals with corneal diseases or injuries. Vision impairment and blindness affect over 2.2 billion people worldwide, with at least 1 billion cases being preventable or treatable. Globally, the need for corneal transplants far outweighs the availability of donated corneas. Studies show that only 1 in 70 people requiring corneal transplants receive one, due to a lack of donors. . . . #GiftOfSight #EyeDonationAwareness #RestoreVision #EyeHealthMatters #SightForAll #BeTheLight #DonateEyesChangeLives #VisionForEveryone #LegacyOfSight #HopeThroughSight #EyeDonationMonth #PledgeToDonateEyes #EyeDonationDrive #GiftOfSight2024 #SeeTheChange Munish Kumar Raizada, MD, FAAP Jyoti Shukla Himani Negi M Subha M. Dr. Shelja Lavanya Beeraboina Dr. Sushmita Ganguli Ishita Tannarana Aniket Bakare Sonali Pradhan Susmita Bhandary NewsGram MedBound Times MedBound List
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Opening up your wardrobe, should be like arriving at a really good party, where everyone you see is someone that you really like 🩷 You can cut down your wardrobe by 25% by asking one question: "If I were shopping right this second, would I buy this?" If the answer is "no", then it needs to go! If you have unwanted items in your wardrobe - donate them to the Pink Ribbon Foundation and raise money to support those affected by breast cancer 🎀 We work with Worn By Us which was set up by Nicola Gleave following her own breast cancer diagnosis. Worn By Us resells unwanted fashion items donated by retailers, fashion brands and individuals and donates a percentage of the money raised to the Pink Ribbon Foundation. We've been working successfully with Worn By Us for many years and now we're reaching out to YOU. If you have any unwanted clothing, shoes or accessories we would love you to get in touch. Step 1: Send an email to hello@wornbyus.com and tell them how many items you would like to donate. Step 2: They will send you the relevant packaging for you to fill with your items. Step 3: When you are ready to send your items, you simply use the Collect+ service at no cost to you. Step 4: When your items are received, they will be sorted, photographed and listed for sale. Step 5: You will be contacted after 3 months of your items being listed for sale to provide an update of sales achieved. You will receive 50% of the sale price received for each item sold, which you can donate in full or part to the Pink Ribbon Foundation. More information at www.wornbyus.com #WornByUs #pinkribbonfoundation #fundraising #recycledclothes #reuse
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Esistono diversi tipi di donazione di sangue e di conseguenza diverse tipologie di donatori e donatrici compatibili 🧐 In questa rubrica ti faremo scoprire cosa puoi donare e quali sono i parametri e le caratteristiche di ogni donazione!🩸 Oggi iniziamo con la donazione di sangue intero 👀 #aiutare #donare #donareilsangue #rosso #sangueintero #donazioni
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L'8 Giugno è la #GiornataMondiale del Tumore al Cervello che mira a sensibilizzare la popolazione sulle patologie neurologiche e neurodegenerative, oltre a migliorare la conoscenza di queste malattie. 🧠 Per questo Cancersucks raccoglie fondi per sostenere la ricerca: progredire nella cura dei tumori cerebrali è il nostro obiettivo. Non sottovalutare mai l'importanza della tua donazione. Senza quella non ci sarebbe #ricerca. ❤️Se ami doni, se doni ami. #cancersucks #cancersucks🎗 #cancersucks💔 #cancersucks👎 #tumore #tumoricerebrali🧠 #donazioni #donazione #aiutalaricerca #ricercacontroilcancro #braincancer #giornatamondialetumorealcervello
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I wish to encourage you or someone you may know who is facing challenges related to gynecological health—issues that they find it often hard to discuss openly—this event is for you. Attending the last event was truly eye-opening for me. As a man, it was incredibly valuable to gain insight into the often-overlooked challenges faced in gynecology. The discussions were both enlightening and empowering, offering a deeper understanding and breaking down barriers of silence. I walked away with a greater appreciation for the importance of open dialogue and support in this area, and I feel more equipped to advocate for and support those who are navigating these issues. When you attend you will find a safe and supportive environment. So, for those attending you will find the event informative and educational, where the speakers their knowledge, experience and advice and expert insight. ✨ So, attend to: • Gain valuable information and support. • Connect with others who understand your journey. • Contribute to raising awareness and breaking the silence. For further information contact: Veronica Ebanks #Support #GynaecologyAwareness #CommunityEvent #BreakTheSilence
Founder of Fibroids, Hysterectomy & Beyond UK| Author| Writer| Holistic Well-being and Creativity Mentor Supporting mature individuals| Independent Safeguarding Children Trainer| Performer| Speaker
Just over a week to go until we meet online. You may be, or know someone who is going through a difficult time, due to these issues we rarely speak openly about in the gynaecology context. Go to Eventbrite to donate and register to join us. Please share, someone may need this opportunity. Thanks.
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So next year to start my competition season off I will be doing Hyrox Valencia. However, not only I am doing it to push myself but I am also doing it to raise money for @charitydebra which is amazing charity that supports those living with EB which is short for epidermolysis bullosa. Inherited EB is a group of rare and incredibly painful genetic skin conditions that cause the skin to blister and tear at the slightest touch. With skin as fragile as a butterfly’s wings, EB is often referred to as ‘butterfly skin’. It is thought to affect at least 5,000 people in the UK and 500,000 worldwide. These figures could be much higher though as it often goes undiagnosed. There are currently no cures for EB. It’s a genetic condition; you are born with it although it may not become evident until later in life. The type of EB you have does not change later in life and EB is not contagious or infectious. Acquired EB is known as EB acquisita and is a rare, severe type of EB that is caused by autoimmune disease So I am asking if you could please donate any amount it would be very much appreciated. Link is here below and also in my bio as well https://lnkd.in/e-iRU73j
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Programma aggiornato! Occasione da non perdere!!!
Abbiamo aggiornato il programma per ASSIF Day 2024! Ecco come partecipare 👉 https://lnkd.in/drrz4-uQ 🔥 Grazie alle socie e ai soci ASSIF che hanno scelto di condividere la loro esperienza in questa giornata speciale, dedicata a tutte le fundraiser e a tutti i fundraiser. 𝐕𝐢 𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐢̀ 𝟏𝟕 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐨! #ASSIFDay2024 #AI #breakingnews #ImpattoeSostenibilità #FundraisingPA #fundraiserprofessionisti Elisa Bonini Alberto Almagioni Carlo Fornario Anna Fabbricotti Matteo Fabbrini Luigi Somenzari Valentina Cinnirella Julia Hoffmann Francesco Armellino
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🤩 Vi presentiamo il gruppo che collaborerà assieme a Ageop Ricerca per completare al meglio il loro Annual Fund Plan. Saranno loro i vincitori? 📸 In foto: Lucia Sanna Bissani, Marija Laketic, Simone Lorenzini Ageop Ricerca Odv, Associazione Genitori Ematologia Oncologia Pediatrica, nasce nel 1982 da un gruppo di genitori che ha scelto di mettere la propria esperienza al servizio di chi sarebbe arrivato dopo di loro, così da rendere sempre migliore la qualità di vita e di cura dei bambini che si ammalano di cancro. Ogni giorno Ageop si prende cura dei bambini e ragazzi ammalati di tumore in terapia presso il polo ospedaliero bolognese, centro d’eccellenza a cui afferiscono piccoli pazienti dal territorio nazionale ed internazionale, per trovare possibilità terapeutiche, e quindi di vita, non disponibili nei loro luoghi di provenienza. 🤔 Ma che cos'è un #AFP? "La raccolta fondi non è un’attività che si improvvisa, non è un’attività frettolosa e non è solo la richiesta esplicita di denaro." 💡 Qualsiasi programma di #fundraising, per essere efficace, deve avere un piano annuale ben strutturato. Questo rappresenta il cuore pulsante di qualsiasi programma di #raccoltafondi. 💡 Ogni gruppo creerà una strategia chiave per garantire il successo e la sostenibilità di un'organizzazione, mettendo in pratica le nozioni studiate in aula 🤫 P.S.: Al termine del #Masterinfundraising, ogni gruppo esporrà il proprio #AFP, ci sarà una giuria composta proprio dagli alunni del Master che voteranno chi secondo loro ha fatto il lavoro migliore e si decreterà il vincitore 🤩 Quindi, la sfida è aperta! #masterinfundraising #fundraiser #fundraising #nonprofit
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*HSL Extends Support to Cancer Patients with Multi-Purpose Vehicle Donation* Hindustan Shipyard Limited donated a Multi-Purpose Vehicle to the Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital & Research Center, Visakhapatnam on 19 Dec 24 as part of its CSR initiative. The vehicle was handed over by Cmde Rakesh Prasad (Retd), Director (CP&P) of HSL. Senior officials of HSL and hospital staff were also present at the event. This initiative aims to strengthen the hospital's cancer screening capabilities and support the local community's healthcare needs. HSL's community-focused initiatives showcase its responsibility and care for societal welfare.#HSL #CSR #Community #Wellbeing
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