If You Don’t Start Videos → You Lose on LinkedIn: (and videos are not rocket science) 1. 3 Points Max 👉🏻 Don’t add 373 points 2. Raw or edited videos 👉🏻 They scroll mediocre videos 3. Videos over Words 👉🏻 Your audience connects with videos 4. Short videos > Longer Videos 👉🏻 Take the juice & make your videos Short 5. Focus on Camera & Audio 👉🏻 People watch & listen. Make sure they watch & listen. 6. Share your personality with videos 👉🏻 Don’t share generic & overused content, especially hooks. P.S. What's 1 song that uplifts your energy ? 📍 The Coolest LinkedIn Video Guide (FREE) ➝ Feature Section
Loved the song mate Name ??
Nice video Fazal Ahmed Sha 🟢 Another way to convey your message!!
What designers do 👀 Follow the video trends but our carousel. Fazal Ahmed Sha 🟢
Your hook sounds scary 😨 Then what designers do Fazal Ahmed Sha 🟢
Love this
Man I love this song bruh 💯
What's your go-to song for boosting your energy while creating LinkedIn videos? 🎵
The best one👏🔥🔥 Vibes 💛 Keeeeeeeeeeep growing more. Fazal Ahmed Sha 🟢
1-3 Leads Weekly ➝ LinkedIn Videos | Crafting Short Videos for LinkedIn Creators | 1.2M+ Views | Wanna Elevate Your Videos? Visit my About & Featured section.
4mo📌 WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE ENTREPRENEUR SONG ? Here's my favourite, you're gonna love it. Chris Record - Life of an entrepreneur 🔥