Today is #WorldSoilDay and we surely appreciate the microbes in the plant rhizosphere 🌱 Soil microbes are the basis for plant production as they not only transform the surrounding soil, but also interact with other organisms 🦠 To learn more about the ecology of soil microorganisms, have a look at our special issue 👇🏽
Federation of European Microbiological Societies’ Post
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New publication in which we adopt an ecology of practices lens to think through the trajectories, expectations and organisation of sustainable futures👇 Link to the (open access) article, published in Journal of Industrial Ecology
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New article just published on "Water limitation regulates positive feedback of increased ecosystem respiration" at Nature Ecology & Evolution. Full text at the link below Chuixiang Yi Eric Kutter George R. Hendrey Wei Fang
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Today's word is 'ENVIRONMENT.' Follow the link below to hear Dr. Rovin Deodat discuss the origin and meaning of 'ENVIRONMENT.’ Ecology:
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Dear Friends, if you are interested in having the answers of the following questions you can watch the short video prepared by our cost action European Network in Chemical Ecology (E-NICHE) What is chemical ecology? and Why you should care it?
What is Chemical Ecology (and why you should care)
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The book, " A Treatise on Ecological Science" was published yesterday. It is an undergraduate text. The book introduces a new dimension to Human Ecology, and starts discusses Network and Industrial Ecology a fresh. Applications of antiproton - proton pair is mentioned. A separate chapter is dedicated on Sustainable Development Goals.
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Odonata diversity of the Kuruva Islands, southern India, with notes on the ecology of Disparoneura apicalis (Fraser, 1924) (Odonata: Platycnemididae)
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📽️ COST Action video spotlight 🍿 How does chemisty shape interations between organisms? The European Network in Chemical Ecology (E-NICHE) explain what chemical ecology is why research in this area is important 👇 Watch it here 🔗 Learn more about the Action 🔗 #COSTactions #ENICHE #ChemicalEcology #ScienceWithoutBorders
What is Chemical Ecology (and why you should care)
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Explore the Ecology of Lake Erie! Our newest issue of AEHMS Volume 26, Issue 4, highlights two essential studies Impacts of dreissenid mussel growth and activity on phytoplankton and nutrients in Lake Erie's western basin #LakeErieEcology #AquaticResearch #EnvironmentalScience
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Today's environmental word is 'ECOLOGY.' Follow the link below to hear Dr. Rovin Deodat discuss the origin and meaning of 'ECOLOGY.’ Ecology:
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#Resilience Definition: The capacity of a system to absorb disturbances and still retain its basic structure and function. Source: Holling, Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics (1973).
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