Following on from yesterday’s Learning through Land conference in Harrogate - where we heard from industry leaders on food policy, green energy, the circular economy and new market opportunities - it’s off to the coast for me to see the bio-economy in action. This is Wave Crookes on board Southern Star at Scarborough. He was just about to head offshore to inspect his seaweed farm. There was SO much to talk about. Firstly his pioneering vertical farming technique that can be positioned further off-shore, withstand storms and minimises the disruption to fishing. Secondly all that the seaweed can deliver both in way of improving biodiversity and storing carbon and also (if harvested) how that carbon can be locked in construction materials, be used as a biostimulant to reduce the use of fertiliser and even used in cattle feed to reduce methane emissions. There is so much potential! It is all at the early development and testing stage - good luck SeaGrown with your very exciting venture. As Mayor I would definitely be on board with supporting this development to the next stage and beyond! #scarborough #bioeconomy #carbonuptake #carbonstorage #carbonsequestration #sustainableaquaculture #seagrown #wildoceanfarming #offshorefarming #seaweed #seaweedfarm #seaweedfarming #biostimulants #verticalfarming #biodiversity #marinebiodiversity #ecosystem #yorkandnorthyorkshire #york #northyorkshire #yorkshire #felicity4mayor #felicitycunliffelister
Very exciting to hear. There’s so much potential to work with our oceans to promote biodiversity and green initiatives. We also have so much more to learn about the carbon benefits ….and research requires funding. Thanks for raising awareness about this.
A unique opportunity for North Yorkshire to lead the world
Very interesting
Chairman: Bloom/V4UK Holdings. Investor
9moBlimey Felicity if you work half as hard as this when you are Mayor ( and I know you'll work twice as hard!!) and are half as successful as you have been in everything else you have done we will have an amazing, informed, passionate and most importantly truly effective Mayor ..........and truly effective leadership.