Filtered reposted this
In a world where we are drowning in content, making sense of chaos is not an easy thing to do. You might say that Marc Zao-Sanders has made this his mission. Now he has generously shared a guide with 80 lessons learned from 15 years in L&D, many of them stemming from the past three years when Filtered launched Content Intelligence as a tool to help cut through the noise. It’s a curated set of reflections across five critical areas of L&D—selected not for their cohesion but for their richness, intrigue, and potential to shape our industry’s future. 💡💡💡 Here are a few of my favorite lessons, but you can download the full guide for free (link in the comments) #learning #learninganddevelopment #edtech #hrtech #learningtechnology [Disclosure: I am a member of the board at Filtered]
Thanks Amanda and Marc Zao-Sanders. A really interesting read and sparked reflection of my own 10+ years! This collection highlights to me: 1. L&D pausing in the everyday to audit, quality assess and "switch off" superfluous content, brings more value for UX, content management and data, is vital. (slide 74 Content Chaos) 2. In the Information Age, strategic L&D & skills transformation can feel like a big mountain to climb! Proactively partnering with tech stakeholders across operations, data, applications, and customer propositions is a shortcut to understanding key organisational skills. Prioritising spend and focusing content here can build functional credibility and provide breathing space. 3. Slide 6: "The skills-led talk is still a long way ahead of the skills-led walk." Having delivered e2e skills transformation initiatives, this is sooo true! Watch out for the 'silver bullets' and consider the effort involved to plan appropriately. Internal collaboration is the one skill that will make it all easier!
it's pretty efficient to flick through this pdf and glean what you glean, ignore what you ignore, disagree with what you disagree with. these 80 pages are guaranteed to take less than 15 years to read.
Marc Zao-Sanders has compiled rich insights on the thorny yet urgent topic of "skills" and helps us see afresh the foundational components of workplace learning. See, for example, the cluster of Evergreen Skills.
Love it! Amanda Nolen. Certainly it sparks many thoughts. Not to be consumed in one go for sure.
Filtered is a great tool!
Advising listed companies, startups and private equity on the future of work, learning and technology. Also venture partner, investor, NED, speaker, mentor and co-founder ElleCap. Madrid|London|USA, usually
4moLink to Marc's original post with the full guide in PDF: