Fincantieri NexTech Spa’s Post

In an increasingly dynamic and complex international context, the #ArmedForces have initiated a technological development process as an essential path to respond to new challenges. We participated in the Esercito Italiano - Italian Army "#C2SystemsStudyDays" from October 15 to 17 in Rome (Italy), to showcase the "#IMPERIO" C2 system and its possible evolutions. “IMPERIO,” from Fincantieri NexTech in partnership with Systematic, is a powerful and scalable #C2system for #battlefield #management. This system offers comprehensive and user-friendly tools for commanders, significantly enhancing their effectiveness during #MilitaryOperations. The new C&C system has the potential to significantly enhance operational flexibility, minimize deployment time, and offer extensive interoperability capabilities. The availability of #SituationalAwareness information in a timely, accurate, and consistent manner is a key enabler for the effective #CommandandControl of combat #forces and the achievement of #military objectives. Stay tuned for more updates on how Fincantieri NexTech is fully involved in the #digital #transformation of #Defense, in alignment with the FINCANTIERI Group’s Industrial Plan, which focuses on #innovation and the development of future #technologies.

  • Fincantieri NexTech, C2 IMPERIO: Italian Army (Esercito Italiano) C2 Systems Study Days
David Reid

Retired and thinking about memoirs


Great idea, the need for a UK C4ISR Academy was pretty obvious before I hung my boots up. Better than doing it in the ad hoc manner we do.

Edoardo Biccellari

UX/UI Designer - HiTech Distribuzione Informatica

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