🛒 Black Friday is here, but let’s pause the shopping buzz and look at the bigger picture: the Baltic e-commerce market. E-commerce in Lithuania and Estonia accounts for 16% of total business turnover, with Lithuania leading at €24 billion and Estonia at €15 billion in market size. Latvia shows steady development but still has room to grow. While all three countries are below the EU average of 18%, the sector’s growth potential is clear. And the export dynamics? 🧐 Lithuania is setting the bar high, with 42% of its e-commerce revenue coming from exports. 💡 Ready to explore the trends, numbers, and what’s next for the Baltic e-commerce market? Swipe through the slides! #FinoraBank #Economy #Ecommerce #MarketInsights
More insights for Lithuanian readers here: https://www.15min.lt/verslas/naujiena/finansai/juodasis-penktadienis-metine-baltijos-saliu-el-prekybos-apyvarta-siekia-kelias-desimtis-milijardu-euru-662-2351696
More insights for Estonian readers here: https://www.kaubandus.ee/uudised/2024/11/28/musta-reede-analuus-eesti-eksport-kasvaks-miljardi-euro-vorra-kui-e-kaupleksime-sama-hasti-kui-leedu