Navigating Turbulence
Two weeks ago, I wrote piece on Democracy with the hope that we can make our way to a calmer season where we as individuals and as a collective come together for the greater good. Times feel turbulent but the “flight lesson” I share with you is that you don’t have to stay in turbulence.
How many times have you flown on a commercial aircraft, and midflight the captain announces there is turbulence ahead and asks you to return to your seat and put on your seat belt? You hear the familiar chime as the seat belt sign illuminates above your head. You strap in and pull that seat belt just a bit tighter. And then you wait.
Soon the turbulence begins. The plane begins to shake (and maybe you do too). The flight attendants lurch in the aisle. Your drink sloshes on the tray table. You might even get a bit of a queasy feeling in your stomach. As the turbulence grows stronger and your grip tightens on the armrests you think, “When will we get through this?”
For a passenger or even a pilot in training, turbulence can be unnerving. But have you noticed that when you are expecting it, it does not seem as unsettling? That is why we feel much better when captain announces it—so that you will be prepared.
Aviators know that turbulence is nothing more than rough air. We understand why it happens and where it is coming from. We know we can simply climb or descend or fly around it until we find smooth air.
We don’t have to stay in the turbulence.
Turbulence happens throughout our lives. We all experience it as individuals and collectively. Whenever we leave the ground and “take it into the air,” we are going to experience challenges, obstacles, and difficulties. If you want to soar as a leader, you are going to go through some “turbulence.”
So, what do we do when you find yourself in a bit of turbulence? Buckle up. Strap in. Prepare ourselves. Know that we can work our way around or through any obstacle that arises. The more experience we get, the more comfortable we will become with the turbulence of life.
We will learn to relax and move forward with confidence, knowing we are going through a rough patch and that smooth air awaits us on the other side.
This is where true leadership comes. Our responsibility as leaders is to navigate turbulence and help others to do the same. Let’s get on with it!
Fly high,
Need help navigating your way through life’s turbulence? Connect with me at Of course, check out my book, Flight Lessons: Navigating Through Life’s Turbulence and Learning to Fly High.
#navigatingturbulence, #leadership, #lifelessons, #flightlessons #culture, #relationships, #womenveterans, #veterans, #coaching, #mentoring
Photo by Marc Wieland on Unsplash
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” ~Jimmy Johnson
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