Super excited to have our first 20kg of scoured wool pellets ready to go out to customers. Unscoured or dag wool is easy to compress into pellets with the lanolin and dags providing a natural binder. Great for gardens everywhere. However, commercial customers need to make sure there is no chance at all of weeds, seeds or disease, so we took on the challenge they set to make a scoured wool pellet. Our latest recipe seems to be a real winner. Progress feels good! #growwellwithwool
Can you use them in bean bags?
Is it just wool only that's in these pellets? Also it has been suggested to me that simy getting the pellets to a certain temperature makes them safe. Do you disagree?
This is great
Great stuff Jacinta!
exciting Fleecegrow
Vice President and CTO at NeoChloris Inc., Managing Director of Charles Stack & Associates LLC
4dProper scouring will remove all traces of organophosphate "sheep dip" pesticides! Temperature alone won't do that. (I did work on scouring effluent treatment with WRONZ at Buckfast Spinning UK Ltd in Devon, UK in the mid 1990s).