Irish Skies Pod
A new aviation related YouTube channel exploring occurrences and events and how these events affect both Pilots and Controllers.
My name is Mick Campbell and I'm an Air Traffic Controller by trade with, as of 11th July, 40 years behind me ... I can't believe it myself.
I have always had an interest in aviation related occurrences, exploring the sequence chain and taking the lessons learnt into my everyday operation and so I started the Irish Skies Pod to help disseminate such events and lessons more widely.
To date (27 July 2024), four episodes have been released.
Episode 01 in interviews with the Controller and the Pilots recalled the forced landing of a G2 at Mallow Racecourse in 1983 as the aircraft ran out of fuel.
Episode 02 examined the dangers associated with the setting of an incorrect QNH (CFIT and/or Loss of Separation) looking at (i) an incorrect QNH being issued and set and (ii) using QNH based upon Inches (Hg) as opposed to HectoPascals (hPa) during approaches.
Episode 03 explored some TCAS events and the associated responses and also looked at the ATC STCA tool.
Episode 04 urges Pilots, if in doubt about a clearance or traffic situation, to call ATC and clarify the issues. A TCAS event at the interface of Controlled and Uncontrolled Airspace is also explored.
I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel, however, if some Pilots and/or Controllers have experienced an unusual event or some poor unfortunates have been through a full-blown serious occurrence, hopefully the lessons learn from their experiences, if disseminated widely, might prevent more of us experiencing the same thing.
If you haven't already done so, please visit the channel and have a look ... if you like what you see, please subscribe and spread the word amongst the aviation community.
Many thanks,
Mick Campbell,
Irish Skies Pod.
Phone +353 89 44 14 102
#atc #ifatca #ifalpa #airtrafficcontrol #aviationnews #airnavireland
Commercial Pilot, Flightinstructor & Examiner
1moGroßartige Chance 👍🏻