It's hard to believe that the ITU-T Study Group 12 ( meeting in April was already two weeks ago! In hindsight, the meeting went in a rush, with many advances in standardization made in the ad-hoc meetings, and in communication alongside. I had the honor and the pleasure to contribute as the Rapporteur of Question 17 (Performance of packet-based networks and other networking technologies) as well as Co-Rapporteur of Question 20 (QoS and QoE aspects of Digital Financial Services) along with my colleagues Fiona Kamikazi and Joachim Pomy. Beyond direct work on standards, we were also evolving our related "Study Questions" as input for the upcoming WTSA (World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly) meeting, to carry our work into the next Study Period starting 2025. Naturally, I also am happy to announce some contributions we from NET CHECK were able to make, to help improve the field of mobile network technology. One of them was a proposal for a new methodology for measuring latency in packet data networks. Then, with a look at future challenges to mobile network related technology by autonomous driving, we contributed a proposal for the concept of "image intelligibility" which is a step beyond current video compression algorithms. Last but not least, we provided a systematic approach for classification of crowdsourcing tools and methodologies with a special focus on the tool class of fixed probes, which can deliver a unique mix of features and capabilities to assess QoS-level network connectivity and long-term reliability at endpoints.