Repost @oatridgerangers We had a really busy morning doing some surveying around campus to learn more about the incredible wildlife in and around the Oatridge Woodland Pond, and to help us plan some work to improve the pond’s overall health and biodiversity. Today we set up some camera traps, and completed a pond survey. Such a treat to get a wee look at some of the amazing wee creatures that live in the pond - particularly the absolutely giant Great Diving Beetles 🤩 #nature #natureconservation #wildlife #wildlifeconservation #orcs #countryside #ranger #biodiversity #conservation #sruc #ecology #ruralskills #countrysideranger #freshwater #freshwaterinvertebrates #pondlife
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While you might be fearful that the presence of a bat roost might impact your development plans, finding bats on site does not mean the end of your planning permission. Prism Planning are specialists in bat emergence surveys, providing professional advice to identify how best to carry them out and how to manage any bats found in line with UK wildlife legislation. Contact our expert team to find out more. | 01325 740610 #Bats #Ecology #PlanningPermission #Environment
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British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) are leading The Winter Gull Survey which collects information about our wintering gull populations, through the coordinated effort of volunteer surveyors across the UK. They need help on 19th January with their survey. More information below. Visit the WinGS Vacant Site Map to view and request sites in your area. The Key Date for Winter 2025 surveys is January 19th. Counts can be conducted a week before and after, as close to this key date as possible. In winter, gulls flock together to roost communally on lakes, reservoirs and estuaries, in groups that can reach the thousands. The Winter Gull Survey (WinGS) will run over the winters of 2023/24 and 2024/25 to collect updated information on the numbers and distributions of these wintering gulls in the UK, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. Surveys will also run in autumn 2024 in order to monitor gulls at post breeding aggregations and capture seasonal peaks of species on passage from breeding to wintering locations. WinGS volunteers visit gull roost sites, counting six key species: Black-headed Gull, Common Gull, Mediterranean Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull and Great Black-backed Gull. These gulls are all of conservation concern, and their breeding populations are either Amber- or Red-listed in the UK. Gathering more detailed information about wintering populations, and which roost sites they rely on, will help us protect them and develop more effective conservation strategies. #citizenscience #environment #birds #nature #education #sustainability #climatechange #Survey
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Today is World Migratory Bird Day, a global campaign that aims to raise awareness of migratory birds and the need for international cooperation to conserve them. Through a partnership among the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (Courtney Davis and Viviana Ruiz-Gutierrez) and the Wildlife Conservation Initiative, a collaborative conservation effort between the National Alliance of Forest Owners (NAFO), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI, Inc.), we are focused on quantifying the role of private, working forests in conserving and managing migratory forest bird stopover, breeding, and overwintering sites across the eastern U.S. Through this partnership, we are leveraging an emerging methodology in partnership with USFWS to identify the most important areas called Bird Concentration Areas. Generally, we have found private, working forests disproportionately contribute to migratory bird populations throughout the full annual cycle, particularly during the non-breeding and pre-breeding migratory periods. You can read more about this project here: #WorldMigratoryBirdDay #WMBD2024 #migratorybirds #forestry
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The Pallas cat is one of the target species actively monitored by Wildlife Initiative researchers. A detailed monitoring program has been conducted in Bayan-Onjuul since 2019. However, in the last two years, a notable decrease in the Pallas cat's population density was observed, likely linked to the decline of his primary prey species. The reasons behind this decline are still under study. Nevertheless, the trampling behaviour of abundant livestock occurring in the area may exert a key role in reducing the available habitat of rodents. - photo credit: Wildlife Initiative visit - #wildlifeinitiative #wildlife #species #wildspecies #nature #wildnature #ecosystem #environment #biodiversity #ecology #habitat #research #wildliferesearch #conservation #wildlifeconservation #monitoring #wildlifemonitoring #iucn #cites #threatenedspecies #threatenedanimals #endangeredspecies #endangeredanimals #cameratraps #cameratrapping #livestock #mammals #mammalia #carnivores #predators #felids #felidae #wildfelids #wildcats #pallasscat #otocolobusmanul #bayanonjuul #mongolia #asia
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#Ecologist & Land Management Lead Alexander Zee has recently qualified with a Level 2 Certificate of Competence in Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue. This is a key skill that unlocks the ability to assess wildlife living in trees. You can find more information on our #ecology #arboriculture #landadvice and #landmanagement services on our website
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“Aurochs, a long-extinct ancestor of all cattle, has returned to Europe — kind of. The ancient species has been resurrecting via a process called ‘back-breeding,’ Discover Wildlife reported, in which six different still-existing types of cattle were bred together to form the closest possible approximation to the aurochs. “The resulting species is being called tauros (though many are simply calling it aurochs), and it has been reintroduced to places such as Croatia, the Iberian Highlands east of Madrid, the Czech Republic, and the Netherlands. “The group responsible for this project is called Rewilding Europe. Led by Dutch ecologist Ronald Goderie, the reintroduction of aurochs to the European landscape represents decades of work for the rewilding movement. “Goderie and Co. believe that among the most important and effective ways to restore ecosystems is to bring back large grazing herbivores. ‘Rewilding Europe and its partners want Tauros to occupy the niche the auroch once filled, keeping Europe's rich mosaic of open landscapes flourishing through natural grazing,’ the organization's website states.”
Officials astounded after prehistoric cattle species returns following centuries-long absence: 'A possibility they were roaming … alongside the earliest settlers'
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Great Crested Newts - What can be done outside of the survey season? The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 lists the Great Crested Newt (GCN), Triturus cristatus, as a protected species. With additional protection as a European Protected Species, it is illegal to capture or disturb GCNs, their eggs, breeding sites, or resting places. If you are concerned that your planned working area may impact GCNs, it is advisable to take action to ensure appropriate protection, consulting a suitably licenced ecologist so that appropriate testing and surveying can be considered and undertaken if necessary. Due to hibernation, the typical GCN surveying period is from March to the end of June each year. However, what can be done beyond the typical surveying period to further ensure protection? Given the timing and nature of certain works, traditional trapping surveys and/or Environmental DNA (eDNA) testing windows can sometimes be missed in areas potentially suitable for GCNs. In such cases, work can proceed by following a ‘Non-Licence’ Method Statement. This document outlines a method of work to ensure construction does not impact GCNs, their breeding sites, or resting places. For details on feasible GCN out-of-season procedures or to discuss a project where GCN’s have been found, please get in touch at 07444 190057 or email #NPTEE #WildlifeProtection #GreatCrestedNewt #Conservation Paul Hobbs Tony Shead
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The dance of the seahorse. Charming, isn’t it? But will it be the last…? Around the world, seagrass meadows and White’s seahorse are under threat from human activity and climate change. In Australia, however, scientists have launched an innovative project to protect these species. How are they doing it? They’re using seagrass fragments collected by volunteers to rehabilitate the habitat. Seahorse “hotels” provide homes for the animals, facilitate captive breeding, and enable reintroduction into the wild. In the first year, 15 hotels were installed in Botany Bay, with 100 seahorses released. By the end of 2024, an additional 45 hotels and 300 seahorses will be released near 100 m² of restored habitat. #arabianoceanrowingteam #thearcticchallenge #theplasticpledge #Biodiversity #Education #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #Environment #BeatPlasticPollution #Ocean
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#EndangeredSpeciesDay featuring the carnivorous Green Pitcherplant (Sarracenia oreophila) This Sarracenia sp. is listed as an Endangered Species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Globally Imperiled (G2) by NatureServe. Its range is restricted to three states, Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina. It can be identified by: - Green tube-shaped pitchers with maroon veins that emerge in the spring - Green sickle-shaped phyllodia (flattened) leaves that emerge in the fall - A single greenish-yellow flower emerges with five petals and sepals The genus Sarracenia uses its tube-shaped pitchers as "pit-traps". Insects are lured to the mouth and column where nectar is secreted. Unsuspecting insects venturing too far will fall into the pitcher where they become digested by internal enzymes. The Green Pitcherplant can be observed growing in highly acidic saturated environments dominated by sand and peat substrates. Threats to this species include population fragmentation, urban development, and loss of natural fires. #EndangeredSpecies #Botany #Vegetation #Pitcherplant #Consulting #Nature #LinkedIn #Learning #Jobs #Hiring #Environment #Conservation #Surveys #Photography
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As the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service considers a new grizzly management plan, UM scientists are at the forefront of informing policies to ensure the safety of Montanans, livestock, wildlife and ecosystems. From groundbreaking habitat research in the Bitterroot Ecosystem to insights into human-wildlife coexistence, their work is shaping the conversation around grizzly recovery and management. Private support of the “Treasure Montana: Cultivating Our Tomorrow” campaign will advance ongoing, vital research and partnerships at the W.A. Franke College of Forestry and Conservation like these that help inform the future of grizzly bears and other species. Read the full story at #TreasureMontana #WildlifeBiology #UMontana
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