Energy Storage Canada (ESC) welcomes the co-signed letter from the Hon. Todd Smith, (then) Minister of Energy, and Hon. Lisa Thompson, (then) Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs that sets out the Ontario Government | Gouvernement de l’Ontario's considerations for the siting of clean energy projects in prime agricultural areas as they relate to ongoing electricity procurements.
ESC is optimistic that the #energystorage sector can work with municipalities, local communities, rural landowners, and farmers to achieve the right balance in supporting the province's vitally important agri-food sector while supporting the continued growth of Ontario's clean energy advantage.
We are proud of our role and responsibility our members play in supporting this balance, with farmers – along with First Nations – being significant beneficiaries of recent energy storage procurements through earning of hosting revenues, while many of their local communities benefit from jobs, community investment agreements, and increased tax revenues. Energy storage and smart grid technologies will be vital for the continued growth of our agricultural industries, particularly greenhouse growers and other energy-intensive farmers that are counting on storage for grid congestion relief, and reliability improvements to enable expansions of their facilities.
ESC would like to express our gratitude for the open dialogue and engagement undertaken by the Offices of Minister Todd Smith, Minister Lisa Thompson, the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and other stakeholders in reaching this policy direction. We look forward to working with the Ontario Government | Gouvernement de l’Ontario, IESO, and other stakeholders on the implementation details in time for our next electricity procurements.
June 6, 2024
Minister of Energy and Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs request protections for agricultural land as part of IESO’s second long-term procurement
"Minister Todd Smith and Minister Lisa Thompson issued a letter requesting that the IESO’s second long-term procurement for electricity supply include certain parameters for development on agricultural land. The letter specifies that no new energy projects may be built in specialty crop areas, ground-mount solar may not be sited on Prime Agricultural Areas, all other resource types may only locate on Prime Agricultural Areas if they have received both Municipal Council approval and municipal approval of an Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA), and rated criteria points should be awarded for projects that avoid Prime Agricultural Areas." #onpoli #energy
Letter from the Minister of Energy and Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - June 6, 2024
Started Kwik Lift Pty Ltd September 1996, 28th year
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