The next CERN seminar by CMS is going to be a good one, on 17 september! (topic not public yet, so take that as you want, there are a few high profile results expected from CMS, so all I can say is "no comment, but definitely connect")
Freya Blekman’s Post
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Interesting new results from CMS. High-precision measurement of the W boson mass. Is the result consistent with the SM? If curious, join this CERN seminar:
High-precision measurement of the W boson mass at CMS
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The Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) method is a new fluid visualization technique and is based on the principles of the traditional Schlieren method. While the Schlieren method is a qualitative measurement, the BOS method allows quantitative measurements to be made with simpler optical arrangements. This is the result of BOS' analysis of the droplets and airflow using a simulated sneeze generator. By courtesy of Ota laboratory at Chiba University Learn more here:
BOS measurements of droplets and airflow using a simulated sneeze generator
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In this new paper, we present a new simple method to enlarge a basin of attraction using a memristive function in the context of memristive map using the Hénon map as a test case. Our numerical simulations shows a substantial enhacement of the attractor stability without requiring an exoplicit parameter control.
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My new experimental paper on "Beam-energy dependence of correlations between mean transverse momentum and anisotropic flow" is finally out :)
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Journal Impact Factor JCR-WoS: 2.0 (2023) Q1 CiteScore 2023: 3.1 Q1
Results on the \(q\)-type \(k\)-Lidstone polynomials
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Hot off the press in Physical Review E. Synchronization through frequency shuffling ( - We probe the effect of temporal heterogeneity in oscillator networks through frequency shuffling. - Synchronization is achieved at significantly lower coupling strengths. - Experimentally shown in time-varying networks of Wein bridge oscillators.
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After a while I can say that our article is one of the most read works on rev esp pod. Proud of the definitive publication of this careful research study through the innovative Foot Kinetic Index, FKI. #biomechanicalresearch #stabilityregisters
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Wonderful time at the 22nd International Symposium on Geo-disaster Reduction (#ISGdR) in #Salerno, Italy to present my study on 'Multiscale simulation of progressive #landslides by the adaptive RDFA method' last week. RDFA allows for adaptive node adjustments at crack tips while satisfying strength criteria, effectively capturing the initiation and propagation of zero-thickness cracks. Meanwhile, the global equilibrium equation has been deduced, enabling the simultaneous solution of continuous and discontinuous problems using a unified mathematical model. Additionally, it facilitates the automatic transformation of rock from continuum to discontinuum.
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Check out our new paper about how an internal Kelvin wave (IKW) influences sound propagation in a coastal wedge recently published in Journal of Acoustical Society of America. We show (experimentally and in simulations) that a seemingly minor deviation of the thermocline due to the IKW (only up to ±0.08 degrees) leads to significant fluctuations of the total intensity recorded by two 10-channel vertical line arrays (up to 8 dB in the experiment and 13 dB in simulations over the range of 5.5 km). Also, normal modes content varies significantly in dependence on the phase of the IKW. Surprisingly enough, total sound intensity has nonlinear dependence on the phase of the IKW. It is at minimum when the thermocline is parallel to the lake’s surface but experiences local maxima in both lowest and highest thermocline positions (Figures 4 and 6 in the paper).
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See our latest manuscript describing the discovery of enantioselective ligands using ASMS
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