Smallholders in the Asia-Pacific region typically manage less than 20 hectares of land, which often serves as a primary income source. Limited education and high poverty levels make it challenging for them to access the FSC system. FSC is developing a regional forest stewardship standard for smallholders to implement in the Asia-Pacific region. This standard has been devised to focus on the requirements that are most relevant to address the risks in the region. Field testing of the RFSS and a self-assessment checklist will take place in India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam, with the support of certification bodies. From 28-29 November 2024, in Hanoi, Dr. Que Anh Vu, FSC Vietnam, continues to provide information and share experiences with Certification Bodies (CBs), Certificate Holders (CHs), and potential CHs regarding the FSC RFSS pilot testing and new FSC initiatives in Vietnam through the two-day training workshop on the FSC Regional Forest Management Standard (RFSS) for Smallholders and Group Standards. #ForestsForAllForever #FSCRFSS #FSCVietnam #EUDR #CertificationBodies #EcosystemServices #biodiversity
Manager at Kostajasa Community Forest
1moGreat Que Anh Vu ! Great for all community forest!