We are grateful to all of those who have served our country so sacrificially. Thank you for your service. #VeteransDay
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To every veteran who has served, thank you. Words cannot express the depth of gratitude we feel for the sacrifices you and your loved ones have made. Today, we remember your strength, resilience, and the many sacrifices that allow us to live in freedom. #VeteransDay #ThankYouForYourService #mortgagebroker #molitorfinancialgroup #themessmanlemanteam
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Everything we have in this country we owe to our Veterans. Cheesy, generic social media posts will never do it justice, because we can never thank them enough. I've been lucky enough to have many great Vets in my life. Both of my grandfathers, several of my friends (including two whom I consider brothers from another mother) as well as many clients. Today, and every day, I hope you feel loved, thanked, and appreciated for the sacrifices you made for our nation. #VeteransDay #veteransupport #financialadvisor #financialplanning #envoywealth
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We remember those who served and sacrificed for our freedom on Memorial Day. The faces of ghosts we honor each year are not merely a reflection of the past but a constant reminder of the courage, determination, and selflessness that define our nation's heroes. Will you join me in remembering? Today, those faces have a profound impact on us all. They remind us of the cost of freedom, the price of courage, and the sacrifices made by many in the name of love for their country. Today, we acknowledge those who gave their all - not for accolades but for a cause greater than themselves. Each story, name, and face represents a life lived in service. They are not just names on a wall or numbers on a page; they are individuals with families, dreams, and hopes. They are a testament to the strength of our nation and the very soul of our freedom. However, as we honor these brave souls, let's also remember the veterans amongst us. Those who have transitioned from the discipline and rigor of military service to the uncertainties of civilian life. They, too, have stories of sacrifice, resilience, and courage that inspire us daily. To these veterans, you may have hung up your uniform, but the call to serve remains. You carry a deep-seated spirit of service, a drive to make a difference, and a purpose beyond yourself. And so, to each veteran trying to find their footing in the civilian world, I tell you: your purpose is not lost. It merely awaits new channels of expression. Whether you launch a startup, join a cause, or simply use your experience to guide others, your service continues. As we remember and honor those who are no longer with us, let's also dedicate ourselves to supporting the heroes who walk among us. Let's ensure they have the resources, the support, and the opportunities to thrive in the next chapter of their lives. Today, on Memorial Day, as we remember the faces of ghosts, let's also celebrate the spirit of service that lives on in every veteran. I encourage you to reach out to a veteran today. Listen to their story, acknowledge their service, and offer your support. Who will you remember today? And how will you honor their service? I want to remember them with you! Tell their story in the comments! #MemorialDay #VeteranSupport #ServiceBeyondUniform
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This Veterans Day, we extend our deepest gratitude to all who have served. Your courage, sacrifice, and resilience make our country a safer, better place. 💙 Thank you, veterans, for your service. #estateplan #assetprotection #wealthprotection #wealthbuilding #trustsandwills #losangelesestateplan #CAestateplanningattorney #losangelesattorney #familybusiness #smallbusiness #family #familylegacy #personalfamilylawyer #personalfamilylawyerCA #losangelespersonalfamilylawyer #generationalwealth #multigenerationlawyer #peaceofmind #adulting #specialneedsplanning #probate #parenting #familylegacy #debbiebabblaw #guardian #businessplanning #avoidprobate #losangelesmom #CAmom
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DEVINE WARRIORS DIMENSION will be launching The Great Finisher 30 day challenge. This challenge will push you to finally close out that 2024 project and kick off your 2025 goals to reach your highest level of success. I’m going to help you have your Best Year Yet. Do you have that book, course, show you started and have no idea what happened? Lingering ideas, unfinished tasks and STUFF hanging over you etc. Comment #DWD for details about the The Great Finisher challenge and leave 2024 behind. Finish that ONE BIG THING in 2024 and start the process of becoming NEW YOU in 2025. Challenge begins January 25th. You in? Comment #DWD for details. #marineauthors #LimitlessPotential #ConnectedLeadersAcademy #usmc #lightbulblessons #DWD #Devinewarriorsdimension #BornToRisk #spiritualgrowth #inspirationalspeaker #traumaticbraininjury #disabledveterans #marinecorps #veterans #usmc #fathersmatter247 #challengeyourself #God #spiritualgrowth #SpiritualJourney #MUDDConference #menmentalhealth #HEMEN #authorlife #veteranownedbusiness #godisgood #veteranauthors #mindsetmatters #veteranspeakersbureau #mindset #mensafeplace #veteranssupportingveterans
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HAVE YOU HEARD OF FREEDOM SHOCK? - It’s been 12 months and you’re still in a job that doesn’t give you purpose. - After 3 months of civilian life, you still don't know who you are. - After 12 months you still struggle to ask for help and guidance with life skills - like how to cook 3 balanced meals every day. - Everyday you miss the strong camaraderie you had… but you don't want to join the VFW. - It’s been less than 12 months of civilian life and you still don’t have any close civilian friends to grab coffee with. - When something unexpected happens, you (unintentionally) fly into a rage that can scare your loved ones. If you can relate, you're not alone. I created the term "Freedom Shock" to put a name to the struggles we face with the abrupt transition from military to civilian life. The first step to overcoming Freedom Shock is to ask yourself one question, "If money and time didn't exist, what would I be doing with my life right now?" I'd love to hear what you come up with, so feel free to shoot me a DM. In the meantime, connect with me here and let's stay in touch. #veteran #veteranmentalhealth #optimizedveteran #veterancoach #veteranissues #veteranhelp #veterantransition
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Attention all Purple Heart recipients, fellow warriors, and supporters, it's Warrior Wednesday! Today, we're coming together to ensure no warrior feels alone. It's more than just a day; it's a reminder that our bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood, along with the unwavering support of our community, are unbreakable. #WarriorWednesday #buddycheck #purpleheartstrong #neverforget #VeteransLivesMatter #supportourveterans #veteranssupportingveterans #VeteranStrong #honorourveterans #militaryveterans #VeteransFirst #thankaveteran #VeteransCommunity #veteransaffairs #veteranshealth #veteransbenefits #VeteransPride #homelessveterans #combatveterans #womenveterans #ptsdawareness #woundedwarriors #purpleheart #MOPH
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Honoring Our Heroes, Past and Present Today, as we gather with family and friends, let us remember that our freedom is a gift—a gift earned through the courage, sacrifice, and dedication of countless individuals who have stood in defense of others. Since the founding of our great nation, there have always been a few who have stood in defense of the many. Every one of them sacrificing their time, moments of comfort, safety, and even their lives, for others to live in peace and prosperity which they themselves would possibly never know. Not all of them did so for honor and glory; for some, it was simply a necessity, a duty. Nevertheless, most would find those things in service to their country, as they still do to this day. Our forefathers built upon these sacrifices a nation unlike the world had ever seen. A nation founded on and grounded in individual freedom for all, where each of us can pursue our dreams and live up to our full potential. It’s a profound paradox: so many coming together as a community to fight for the rights of the individual but that’s who we are, that’s the American spirit. We are citizens inspired by those individuals to give up anything to provide the least among us with the freedoms we all share. The freedom to speak even when we find their words intolerable. Freedom to choose even if it’s done poorly and they may suffer. To be treated fairly, regardless of who they are, their past, or the prejudices of others—the ability to provide for themselves and keep what they have earned. Even the ability to defend these freedoms from those who would seek to take them. Today, as we honor our veterans, let us always remember their sacrifice. Let us do so by being worthy of them, honoring them in the lives we live and the choices we make, and never squandering what others fought so hard for. Thank you to all who have served and to those who continue to serve. We are grateful for your courage and commitment, today and every day. #VeteransDay #ThankYouForYourService #Freedom #Gratitude #PhoenixCIA #BrothersAndSistersInArms #NeverForget #WithHonorAndGratitude
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DEVINE WARRIORS DIMENSION will be launching The Great Finisher 30 day challenge. This challenge will push you to finally close out that 2024 project and kick off your 2025 goals to reach your highest level of success. I’m going to help you have your Best Year Yet. Do you have that book, course, show you started and have no idea what happened? Lingering ideas, unfinished tasks and STUFF hanging over you etc. Comment #DWD for details about the The Great Finisher challenge and leave 2024 behind. Finish that ONE BIG THING in 2024 and start the process of becoming NEW YOU in 2025. Challenge begins January 25th. You in? Comment #DWD for details. #marineauthors #LimitlessPotential #ConnectedLeadersAcademy #usmc #lightbulblessons #DWD #Devinewarriorsdimension #BornToRisk #spiritualgrowth #inspirationalspeaker #traumaticbraininjury #disabledveterans #marinecorps #veterans #usmc #fathersmatter247 #challengeyourself #God #spiritualgrowth #SpiritualJourney #MUDDConference #menmentalhealth #HEMEN #authorlife #veteranownedbusiness #godisgood #veteranauthors #mindsetmatters #veteranspeakersbureau #mindset #mensafeplace #veteranssupportingveterans
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DEVINE WARRIORS DIMENSION will be launching The Great Finisher 30 day challenge. This challenge will push you to finally close out that 2024 project and kick off your 2025 goals to reach your highest level of success. I’m going to help you have your Best Year Yet. Do you have that book, course, show you started and have no idea what happened? Lingering ideas, unfinished tasks and STUFF hanging over you etc. Comment #DWD for details about the The Great Finisher challenge and leave 2024 behind. Finish that ONE BIG THING in 2024 and start the process of becoming NEW YOU in 2025. Challenge begins January 25th. You in? Comment #DWD for details. #marineauthors #LimitlessPotential #ConnectedLeadersAcademy #usmc #lightbulblessons #DWD #Devinewarriorsdimension #BornToRisk #spiritualgrowth #inspirationalspeaker #traumaticbraininjury #disabledveterans #marinecorps #veterans #usmc #fathersmatter247 #challengeyourself #God #spiritualgrowth #SpiritualJourney #MUDDConference #menmentalhealth #HEMEN #authorlife #veteranownedbusiness #godisgood #veteranauthors #mindsetmatters #veteranspeakersbureau #mindset #mensafeplace #veteranssupportingveterans
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