Gary Bartels’ Post

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Founder & Executive Director at OATH, Inc.

The memes are fun. The banter is given and taken. It’s all just fun joking. But now, all the joking is done. The game will be played between the whistles and between the lines. When I wore that Army Football jersey waaaaaaay back when, I hated my opponents. But, at the end of the day, when that clock winds down to 00:00 and the game is done, the seniors from both sides will be closing in on the end of their college football careers and beginning to prepare for a period of service to their nation. Some will become Army Rangers. Some will become Navy Seals. Some will become Infantry. Some will become Aviators. Some will deploy overseas. Some will come home. Some will die. Some will die in the sand of a foreign country with nothing to their right and left but their brothers and a photo of their wife and kids in their breast pocket. The blood these guys today shed on a football field will perhaps one day be shed in the sand for you. For me. For us. Watch this game today, and keep the thought in the back of your mind that some of these players you see today on this field will absolutely make the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. You will absolutely see some of their names on memorial wristbands and tombstones and memorial pages. Zero doubts about it. Heroes. Every single one of them. Absolutely, unequivocally and without comparison, this is the greatest college football game and rivalry to have ever existed in all of sport. #GOARMY And #BEATnavy #x22628

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Ray Garcia

Disabled Veteran at US Army




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