Got #Water? How critical is water to #landvalues? Massivley important!!! “…[A]nalysis showed San Joaquin Valley vineyards and nut tree orchards had declined in value by 25% to 50% within the previous eight months. Since March, almond orchards without reliable surface water in the valley have lost more than half their value, according to ASFMRA’s figures. In parts of Tulare County, Gatzman said, some pistachio orchards have sold this year for a quarter of what they were worth last year.” If you need water, you need it your way! Contact Genesis Systems® (USA) - Water Your Way Utility-scale renewable water from air. You can’t afford to be without it. #Water #WaterScarcity #Drought #WaterSecurity #WaterPositive #RenewableWaterfromAir #AWG #WaterSupply #WaterUtilities #WaterBank #WaterConservation #SDG6 #GlobalWaterSupply #WaterAction #GroundWater #SurfaceWater #Sustainable #Sustainability #UtilityScale #waterinnovation #waterdisruptors #AWS #DataCenters #Hospitals Shannon Stuckenberg Wes Williams David A. Deptula Nigel Cameron Frank X. "Frazier" Henke, IV Josh Hawes Alex Passini Tony Contento, Ph.D. Shaima Sharif Phil Sumrall John Fairfield Jayne Millard Teesee Murray Gerald Duran
Genesis Systems® (USA) - Water Your Way’s Post
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[Preventing Soil Erosion Naturally] Importance of soil erosion prevention Soil erosion is a major concern as it leads to loss of fertile topsoil, disrupting ecosystems. . . .
Preventing Soil Erosion Naturally
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"Developing robust ethical and regulatory frameworks is crucial for ensuring the responsible and equitable implementation of cloud seeding projects." Another contribution to our core mission: raising awareness around the globe to underline the need to regulate civil cloud seeding. We have launched a worldwide initiative to gather scientists contributions, international public law specialists, public policy professionals, climate experts and weather analysts to define the premises of the future cloud seeding regulation framework. Please visit our website and join us to support our action: Source: #cloudseeding #climatechange #artificialrain #clouds #precipitations #weathermodification #rainfall #water #sustainability #flooding #droughts #downpours #geoengineering #conflict #conflicts #waterscarity #waterwar #waterrelated #sustainability #disputes #ENMOD #WMO #regulation #framing #treaty #WeatherModificationProgram #freshwater #drought #raindrop #silveriodide #atmosphere #noharmrule #environmentalmodification #Environment #WeatherManipulation #rain #regulation #internationallaw #legal #publicpolicy #framework #publiclaw
Uncovering the Latest Cloud Seeding Projects: A Comprehensive Guide
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CodeNotes: Rainwater Harvesting Systems in the I-Codes This CodeNotes resource provides an overview of rainwater harvesting systems is based on the CSA B805/ICC 805-2018 Standard.
CodeNotes: Rainwater Harvesting Systems in the I-Codes - ICC
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220,000 native trees--that's the number residents of Devon, England, have planted in recent years. Their purpose? To improve water quality in their local watershed and cut costs for water treatment. Learn more in this Currents article. #water #waterquality #trees #plantingtrees #watershedprotection
Planting Trees Can Improve Water Quality
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The effects of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) on farmland with zero access to surface water were recently highlighted in AG Alert, which shared facts and insights from landowners across the Central Valley. The article discussed how SGMA has impacted the value of their properties and the yields of their crops. "In 2014, when SGMA was adopted, the value of farmland without reliable surface water access began to decline. But within the past several months, those values have plummeted, according to appraisers, realtors and county assessors."
Land values plunge as groundwater law dims farm prospects
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Earlier in the year, we were brought in last minute for de-vegetation works as part of a shared fence renewal project adjacent to the M6 toll. With two weeks to quote, mobilise, complete all the health and safety, and complete the works it was going to be a fast turnaround. When we visited the site, we noticed a lot of established willows and hazel trees on the third party land adjacent to the fencing site that would likely be impacted by the de-vegetation and fence renewal. We asked about the root management plan. There wasn't one. So we brought in our Arboriculture Consultancy team who provided an Arb Impact Assessment and a Tree Survey. They also provided an Arboricultural Clerk of Works (ArbCoW) who was onsite throughout the works to protect the established tree roots. Our ArbCoW had a great relationship with the contractors on site, overseeing the fence installation, removing any roots those that could be removed without impacting the trees and assisting with the positioning of the protective membrane. Our operations part of the project took two shifts, to clear the vegetation, involving a standard tree crew, a whole tree chipper and a tractor with grain trailer. The tree chippings were taken away for use as biomass. With so many specialists on site, all with specific jobs to complete, it was so helpful to have a dedicated person looking after the established trees. It meant that everyone could focus on the part of delivery they were responsible for and ultimately, was of huge benefit to the existing trees and surrounding nature. #rootmanagementplan #protectingestablishedtrees #arbimpactassessment #devegetation #becausewecare
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It’s thought provoking, but what I’ve found in the Douglas AMA is that establishing the AMA only really serves the big water users by permitting their existing uses, and meanwhile the small landowners who haven’t been able to develop their land yet get screwed. These are people whose families have lived in the area for generations, or have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in acquiring land, but haven’t been able to develop the water resources for various reasons. Check out this article from AZCentral: Maybe dreaded limits on water use can be (gasp!) good for Arizona Joanna Allhands
Maybe dreaded limits on water use can be (gasp!) good for Arizona
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This was an excellent piece from the Idaho Statesman this morning: “So a long-term solution will require answering some big questions: Does it make sense to keep the aquifer at its current level? Or should we be seeking a steady state near the natural, pre-irrigation level of the aquifer? How can we figure out what that level is? If the state’s de-facto policy is to maintain an artificially enlarged aquifer, the state should take a much stronger hand in — and dedicate a lot more funding to — building the infrastructure to make it happen. It needs to build infrastructure to replace the flood irrigation that built the artificially enlarged aquifer, not to expect that farmers with junior water rights will solve the problem. They almost certainly can’t while remaining solvent. Doing so could pay real dividends for the state. …If we’re in a crisis now, with water all around, what’s going to happen in the next drought?”
Idaho’s water crisis can be fixed. But are lawmakers still capable of fixing it? | Opinion
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A detailed explanation of the impact of vegetation on soil erosion, What do you think ?
The Impact of Vegetation on Soil Erosion.
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Co-founder, President, and COO - Deep Tech Pioneer, Disruptor, and Scientist helping enterprise & humanity work to solve grand challenges. Keynote Speaker — Board Member — Professor — U.S. Air Force Special Operations.
4moKenneth G. Hasty