GEROSA GROUP has adopted the principles of Lean Methodology to reduce #waste in favor of process efficiency. What are Lean Methodology tools? How can Gerosa Group benefit from them? “They are specific tools that can be introduced in the production process to maximize efficiency and controls, while minimizing waste - explains Matteo Negrini, Plant Manager at Gerosa Cellografica S.p.A. In general, they help enhancing performance. It follows a consistent cost efficiency. In detail, controls are implemented upstream, rather than at the end of the process, once the production is finalised, when intervening would result in a consistent waste of resources (time, money and materials)”. #GerosaGroup #WasteReduction #WasteManagement #ProcessImprovement #ProcessEfficiency #LeanMethodology
Lean manufacturing indeed goes beyond just a methodology; it becomes ingrained in the way people think, work, and interact within the organization. Congratulations on fostering such a positive culture to Matteo for his contributions to his team's success in Inverigo, Proud to be Gerosa!
General Manager in Rieusset (GEROSA group)
9moLean, more than a tool, a culture