The reality is each hour after this live inspection training, each person will lose much of what they learned. So, what is the point? You can help with this loss of information by capturing the experience into an actual environment where they can revisit the different parts they can not remember. Gavin Lindores can demonstrate this for you in real time today and share why this is critical for information processing. 🧠 So important when safety is on the line! #learningdonebetter #itsmorethanvectorvideos
Informative session this morning where Sgt. Joe Berrong from the North Carolina Department of Public Safety shared what he looks for when doing a road side inspection. Come by booth 2001 to learn from Gavin Lindores how fleets like R.B. Stewart Petroleum Products, Inc make their drivers’ lives easier by digitally storing their tractor and trailer permits in Luma!