Today is World Environment Day 2024 🌎 What can you do today (and every day) to make a difference? Taking place on the 5th of June every year, the UN’s World Environment Day encourages widespread awareness and action to protect our environment. The theme this year is #GenerationRestoration, with a focus on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience. At Global Windows, we view every day as an opportunity to protect our planet, with sustainability sitting at the core of our daily operations - from sustainable products to long-standing recycling initiatives. So, if you’re planning any window or door upgrades, and want to contribute to a healthier planet, get in touch with the team today! 📞 0114 288 95 95 #Windows #Doors #HomeOwnership #Recycle
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Earthwise's energy-efficient windows are made specifically for your local climate, offering you regulation based on your region's specific temperament. A window in southern Florida shouldn't function like a window in a Michigan winter, and vice versa. That's why our strategically located manufacturing facilities make windows designed to work long-term in your environment. Stop settling for the one-size-fits-all windows and upgrade to Earthwise, made specifically for your climate!
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Earthwise's energy-efficient windows are made specifically for your local climate, offering you regulation based on your region's specific temperament. A window in southern Florida shouldn't function like a window in a Michigan winter, and vice versa. That's why our strategically located manufacturing facilities make windows designed to work long-term in your environment. Stop settling for the one-size-fits-all windows and upgrade to Earthwise, made specifically for your climate!
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An internal conversation: “When will our landfill reach capacity?” 21 to 23 years. “Is 21 years soon enough to start worrying?” It’s not unreasonable, besides… “What if we have a natural disaster?” More like when will we. “How will 50- or 100-year storm debris affect our landfill capacity?” Great question, we need to run the calcs. “How can we best reserve the landfill space we have remaining to help us recover more quickly when disaster strikes?” Find sustainable alternatives to short and long-term disposal ASAP. “Such as?” For one, #MakeCompostMainstream. “And?” Double down on #recycling. “What else?”
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In the soaring world of high-rise buildings, let's rise to protect our environment. Choose Spartan Fire Evacuation Lift for a greener, safer choice. Our innovative solutions not only ensure swift evacuations but also promote sustainability. Together, we can create a safer and more eco-friendly future. #SpartanFireEvacuationLift #WorldEnvironmentDay #GreenBuilding #SustainableSafety #SaferFuture #EcoFriendlyInnovation
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The recent Mountain Fire in Ventura County has highlighted a critical need in our homes: onsite battery systems. As Santa Ana winds fueled the rapid spread of the fire, many of us experienced intentional power shut offs – a precautionary measure to prevent additional fires. This left countless households, including my own, without essential services. No running water, no lights, no power for critical devices. While we often discuss onsite batteries in terms of sustainability, their practical value in emergencies is undeniable. These systems can power essential parts of a home when the grid goes down, providing a lifeline during critical times. As climate change intensifies extreme weather events, adapting our homes for greater resilience is crucial. Onsite batteries offer more than just a green solution – they provide independence and security when we need it most. #EmergencyPreparedness #EnergyResilience #ClimateAdaptation #HomeSafety
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Embracing SON technology enhances our immediate response to natural disasters and secures a more reliable communication network for the future, safeguarding against the inevitable challenges nature may present. Read more 👉 #networkresilience #networkmanagement #networkautomation #SelfOrganizingNetwork #AutomaticallyDetectIssues
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Clean water is a basic human right. Yet, over 2 billion people lack it. Walk for Water and be a part of the solution! Learn how here: #Grundfos #WaterMission #PossibilityInEveryDrop #WalkForWater #ProudToBeGrundfos
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The internet has changed our lives in countless ways, many for the better and some not so much. But good or bad, it has reached into every corner of modern life. #mswmagazine #municipalsewerandwater #watertreatment #waterquality #waterpolicy #waterscarcity
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Stormwater management helps to adapt for extreme rainfall events. ViaCon offers smart infrastructure solutions to manage stormwater and enable resilient planning and building while protecting society's resources from climate-change-related effects. 🌧️ #StormwaterManagement #ClimateAdaptation #ResilientInfrastructure #SustainableBuilding #SmartInfrastructure #ViaCon #ClimateChange
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Communities across the United States are increasingly facing extreme weather. For people to remain comfortable, safe, and healthy in the buildings they live, work, and play in, the ability of our buildings to resist and recover quickly from climate disruption needs to improve. Aligning resilience and decarbonization efforts provides an opportunity to reduce emissions from building construction and operations while simultaneously improving durability and longevity. Upgrading “passive measures,” such as weatherization, natural ventilation, high performance windows, and shading, can extend the hours of safe indoor conditions if power outages occur during extreme temperature events. These upgrades also have cost saving benefits for home and building owners, since they drive down total energy usage and lower utility costs. Learn more about how we can implement passive and active measure to create safer and more sustainable spaces for the future:
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