Key ballast water outcomes of MEPC 81:
-Endorsement of a comprehensive list of instruments which require revision and or development as part of the review of the BWM Convention.
-Adoption of, with effect from 22 March 2024, MEPC.387(81) Interim guidance on the application of the BWM convention to ships operating in challenging water quality conditions. This guidance will assist ship owners and operators in planning for compliance with the BWM Convention and the D-2 discharge standard when a type-approved BWMS encounters operational limitations or meeting operational demand in challenging water quality (CWQ) conditions.
-Approval of, with effect from 22 March 2024, BWM.2/Circ.82 Guidance for the temporary storage of treated sewage and/or grey water in ballast water tanks. Noting that this procedure should only be undertaken temporarily in specific ports and areas which restrict the discharge of treated sewage and/or grey water (TS/GW) and where the ship does not have dedicated tanks with adequate storage capacity.