As the chefs say, "Le produit, le produit, le produit."
Closing a funding round is like preparing a gourmet meal—you need the perfect blend of ingredients and a magic touch from the chefs, i.e., the founders.
In my humble view, seed-stage founders should aim to craft a well-rounded syndicate for the most diversified and rich support:
• Begin with an anchor investor who has solid skin in the game, provides guidance on legal matters and more.
• Mix in a country-specific VC for that local expertise.
• Add an industry specialist investor who brings deep vertical value.
• Include curated angels from relevant sectors for that extra flavor.
• Garnish with a VC like FEBE, with an entrepreneurial background, to top it all off. 😄😉
From my observation, in Asia and Europe, seed-stage funding rounds typically involve a maximum of 2 to 3 VCs, usually consisting of one lead investor and a co-lead or syndicate partner. In contrast, the US often sees 4 to 6 investors in early-stage rounds, reflecting the trend of multiple parties contributing to a round, each adding strategic value and capital.
Fellow founders and VCs, how do you assess the dynamics while building your rounds?
Creative City-Wide Events Producer & Artist; Dedicated to empowering diverse communities.
2moLet’s keep pushing the needle forward - go Daniel Suh! 👏🏾🎉