Empowering Power Plant Monitoring with Data Collector Remote Gateway Training From December 9-12, 2024, Granitor Systems successfully conducted a comprehensive training program on the Data Collector Remote Gateway Module at the PLN Nusantara Power Office in Surabaya. This module plays a critical role in monitoring engine generator performance across power plants, ensuring operational efficiency and data accuracy. Training Overview: Participants were introduced to the components, data flow, installation, and configuration processes of the system. They gained practical experience through simulations, including installing energy meters to monitor engine performance and connecting all components to enable seamless data transmission. The training also covered configuring the system to ensure accurate data integration with the central platform. The training was attended by 30 representatives from power plants across Indonesia, providing them with the skills and knowledge to optimize their monitoring systems. Led by our experts, Mickael Eko and Rinaldi Nur Afriatna, the sessions offered valuable insights and hands-on guidance, empowering participants to implement and maintain the system effectively. Granitor Systems is proud to support the energy sector by equipping teams with innovative solutions and technical expertise. Together, we’re advancing Indonesia’s journey toward a smarter and more sustainable energy future. #GranitorSystems #Training #EnergyInnovation #PowerPlantMonitoring #Sustainability #GranitorAPAC #GranitorSystemsAPAC #SystemIntegrator #ignition