Greg. Wisnu Rosariastoko’s Post

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Independent Commissioner at Bank Resona Perdania

The workforce is on the verge of a technology-driven productivity explosion. Leaders in business and policy are being pushed to respond to the high-speed innovation and impending global workforce transformation. The direction they choose could lead to job displacement, or a better option, the creation of good jobs that raise living standards. Currently, the most important step we can take is to train workers in valuable skills. Only through workforce development can the global economy meet current needs and future changes. The economy grows in the long run when there are more workers, and when those workers become more productive. Good jobs provide the skills training and advancement opportunities necessary to achieve these goals and create a strong, vibrant global economy. If we want an inclusive, resilient and just society, we need to create decent jobs for all. Decent work ensures that we can work and live with dignity, earn enough money to not live in poverty, have rights at work, and have a voice at work. This is a prerequisite for society to benefit from the full potential of each individual and ensure that no one is left behind. To achieve this goal, a whole-of-society approach is needed that is based on strong social dialogue to develop a comprehensive employment policy framework that not only ensures the creation of sufficient jobs but also decent work. This inclusive and comprehensive framework needs to consider each policy area through the lens of decent employment. And we should not assume that the actions taken will automatically trickle down to the groups most in need, but we need to ensure that this happens through targeted interventions. The most dynamic economies excel at matching labor supply to labor demand. But, this match is less than optimal in the health sector. The population is aging, which means the workforce is also aging, and thus, creating an increasing demand for healthcare workers worldwide. There is a real need for skilled healthcare workers, and the skills are likely to be the least impacted by the coming automation due to artificial intelligence (AI). Laying the foundation to ensure the workforce has the skills needed to keep us healthy in the future should be a top concern for policymakers around the globe. The creation of good quality jobs is critical to maintaining democracy and increasing inclusiveness while ensuring the transition to a digital and carbon neutral economy. The main drivers for the creation of quality jobs are social partnerships and investment. Social partnership is where the government actively supports and enables constructive dialogue with and between, employers and trade unions, including collective bargaining at national, sectoral, company, and workplace levels. On the other hand, the role of investment cannot be underestimated i.e. the need for more public investment in education, health, social protection, and infrastructure funded through fair and adequate budget is very essential.

Agreed om..saat ini sy lg expan Bolen utk buka per10 outlet utk 1 investor yg tentu mengandalkan peningkatan serapan tenaga kerja mulai dr team produksi, distribusi , sales Spg yg baik dr investor jd titik utama kita agar qualifikasi UMKM Bolen kita bisa stabil dan meningkat level grade nya ..baik dr hiegenitas produk jd lbh sehat dan bergizi utk smua segmen permintaan nya tp tetap dgn harga yg terjangkau di smua segmen krn juga banyaknya titik outlet penjualannya ...

Jeff lilomboba

Learning Facilitator di Karisma persada energi


Yes, We must prepare For the skill of worker

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