Delighted to see our member, CEDAE - Companhia Estadual de Águas e Esgotos, making an effort to promote #genderequality in the water sector ♀ 💧 CEDAE makes an effort to enable the environment for women in the state water and sewage company. Following a plan prepared by their workers, Cedae Por Elas inaugurated another welcoming space last Tuesday (06/18). Now, the Laranjal Water Treatment Plant (WTP) has a milk station and a psychosocial care room, which has been developed especially for the plant's female professionals. The plant supplies water to about 2 million people. With a clear focus on #SDG5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, CEDAE is making significant strides. The action aims to consolidate gender equality in the unit, which already has an impressive 50% of leadership positions held by women. This is a testament to the progress we are making in the utility sector. This gender mainstreaming plan aims to be implemented in other water treatment plants, where women will be provided with the space they need. Although achieving gender equality is increasingly acknowledged in the water sector, there is still a need to close the gaps between women and men. Enabling environments are essential to support processes of empowerment and leadership, whether actions are intervened at national and sectoral levels to create transformative changes for women. 🔹 Read WO(P)MEN's Voice: The Voice of women in Water Operators' Partnerships: 🔹Listen to WOPcast Episode 2: Women in Water and Sanitation Utilities and WOPs: 🔹More on GWOPA's gender mainstreaming activities: Åsa Jonsson Franziska Volk
A Cedae continua seu movimento de dar voz às mulheres da Companhia. Seguindo um planejamento elaborado pelas nossas trabalhadoras, o Cedae Por Elas inaugurou mais um espaço acolhedor na última terça-feira (18/06). Agora, a Estação de Tratamento de Água (ETA) Laranjal conta com um lactário e uma sala de atendimento psicossocial, desenvolvidos especialmente para as profissionais da estação que fornece água para cerca de 2 milhões pessoas. Em sintonia com o #ObjetivodeDesenvolvimentoSustentável #5 (ODS), da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), a ação tem como meta consolidar a igualdade de gênero na unidade que já conta com 50% dos cargos de liderança ocupados por mulheres. E vem mais por aí! Em breve, a maior estação de tratamento de água do mundo, a ETA Guandu, também vai ganhar um espaço do Cedae Por Elas! Agora diz pra gente: a sua empresa também conta com um espaço desses?
It's an honor to participate in an important alliance, such as Global Water Operators' Partnerships Alliance/UN-Habitat (GWOPA). You can count on us to continue to promote #genderequality in the water sector!